Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Culture and Lifestyle Considerations
Lastly, it is equally important to get an idea of how your character lives. What is his world like? How does
he prepare food? Does he hunt or farm? Is he peaceful or warlike? As many details as you can gather or
invent will inform the decisions you make with a design.
Figure 1-36 is an illustration by designer Paul Tobin. Notice how the design is filled with small, unique
details that communicate a sense of culture and place. From the tattoos to the choice of weaponry, the char-
acter looks like he comes from a specific culture with a specific level of technology. Visual cues like these
are important to consider and include whenever possible. These same considerations can be extended to the
manner in which a creature interacts with its environment. A quadrupedal alien with opposable thumbs on
all four limbs will interact differently with his world from a biped with two hands.
Figure 1-36: This character design by Paul Tobin features many details that portray the character's culture
and backstory.
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