Environmental Engineering Reference
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Trencher, G., M. Yarime, K. McCormick, C. Doll, and S. Kraines 2013. Beyond the third mission:
Exploring the emerging university function of co-creation for sustainability. Science and Pub-
lic Policy 41(2): 151-179.
UNEP. 2012. Global environment outlook 5. UNEP, Nairobi. http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/geo5/
GEO5_report_full_en.pdf. Accessed 18 June 2014.
WBCSD. 1992. Changing course: A global business perspective on development and the environ-
ment . MIT Press: Boston.
WCED. 1987. UN commission on environment and development: Our common future . Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
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