Biology Reference
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Femur Length (cm)
FIGURE 11.9 Comparison of the empirical cumulative density function for 250 simulated femoral lengths
(shown as a solid line step function) and the modeled cumulative density shown as a dashed line.
age-at-death for each individual given the estimated age-at-death structure and the “age
indicators.” We do this using Bayes' theorem as follows:
f ðagejFL; lÞ f fðFLjageÞ f ðagejlÞ;
where the symbol
means proportional to rather than equal to. In Equation 11.20 the first
term on the right-hand side is the normal density for femur length given age (see Figure 11.6 )
and the second term is from Equation 11.13 . Given femur length, we then search across Equa-
tion 11.20 to find the maximum density, which gives the best estimate of age for the indi-
vidual based on what we know about the age-at-death structure from the exponential
hazard model.
In Figure 11.10 we have plotted these age estimates for femur lengths of 8 e 20 cm in 1 cm
increments and of 20 e 40 cm in 1 mm increments. We again use fractional polynomials to fit
a curve that allows us to quickly estimate age from any given femur length. The equation for
this curve is age ¼ expð3:542 13:464=FL þ 1:748 logðFLÞÞ and is shown as a solid
line. This line runs entirely through the plotted points. Another possibility is to solve the regres-
sion of femur length on age from the Maresh data (FL ¼ 3:6 þ 9:78
ag p ) for age, in which
case we get age ¼ 0:1355 0:0753 FL þ 0:0104 FL 2 , plotted as a second solid line in
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