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The credit loan of Alibaba automatically analyzes and judges if to lend loans to
enterprises through the acquired enterprise transaction data by virtue of big data
technologies, while manual intervention does not occur in the entire process. It
is disclosed that, so far, Alibaba has lent more than RMB 30 billion Yuan, with
the rate of bad loans of only about 0.3 %, which greatly lower than those of other
commercial banks.
Application of IoT Based Big Data
Internet of Things is not only an important source of big data, but also the main
market of application of big data. In Internet of Things, every object in the real
world may be both the producer and consumer of data and, because of the high
variety of objects, the applications of Internet of Things also evolve endlessly.
Logistic enterprises may have profoundly experienced with the application of
big data of Internet of Things. Trucks of UPS are installed with sensors, wireless
adapters, and GPS, so the Headquarter can track truck positions and prevent
engine failures. Meanwhile, this equipment also help UPS supervise and manage
its employees, and optimize delivery routes. The optimal delivery routes specified
by UPS for trucks are derived from their past driving experience. In 2011, UPS
drivers have driven for nearly 48.28 million km less.
Smart city is a hot research area based on the application of Internet of Things
data. The U.S. Miami-Dade County is a sample of smart city. The smart city project
cooperation between Miami-Dade County in Florida and IBM closely connects 35
types of key county government departments and Miami City, and helps government
leaders obtain better information support in decision making for managing water
resources, reducing traffic jam, and improving public safety. IBM provides Dade
County with smart instrument panel application by virtue of the in-depth analysis
under cloud computing, so as to help the departments of county government with
coordination-based and visualized management. The application of smart city brings
about benefits in many aspects for Dade County. For example, Department of Park
Management of Dade County saved one million USD in water bills due to timely
identifying and fixing water pipes that were running and leaking this year.
Application of Online Social Network-Oriented Big Data
Online SNS is a social structure constituted by social individuals and connections
among individuals based on an information network. Big data of online SNS mainly
comes from instant messages, online social, micro blog, and shared space, etc. Since
the big data of online SNS represents various user activities, the analysis of such data
receives more attention. The analysis of big data of online SNS uses computational
analytical method provided for understanding relations in the human society by
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