Java Reference
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Calling Asynchronous Methods from Enterprise Bean Clients
Session bean clients call asynchronous methods just like non-asynchronous business
methods. If the asynchronous method returns a result, the client receives a Future<V>
instance as soon as the method is invoked. This instance can be used to retrieve the final
result, cancel the invocation, check whether the invocation has completed, check wheth-
er any exceptions were thrown during processing, and check whether the invocation was
Retrieving the Final Result from an Asynchronous Method Invocation
The client may retrieve the result using one of the Future<V>.get methods. If pro-
cessing hasn't been completed by the session bean handling the invocation, calling one of
the get methods will result in the client halting execution until the invocation completes.
Use the Future<V>.isDone method to determine whether processing has completed
before calling one of the get methods.
The get() method returns the result as the type specified in the type value of the
Future<V> instance. For example, calling Future<String>.get() will return
a String object. If the method invocation was cancelled, calls to get() result in
a java.util.concurrent.CancellationException being thrown. If the in-
vocation resulted in an exception during processing by the session bean, calls to get()
result in a java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException being thrown. The
cause of the ExecutionException may be retrieved by calling the ExecutionEx-
ception.getCause method.
The get(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit) meth-
od is similar to the get() method, but allows the client to set a timeout value. If the
timeout value is exceeded, a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException is
thrown. See the Javadoc for the TimeUnit class for the available units of time to specify
the timeout value.
Cancelling an Asynchronous Method Invocation
Call the cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) method on the Fu-
ture<V> instance to attempt to cancel the method invocation. The cancel method re-
turns true if the cancellation was successful, and false if the method invocation can-
not be cancelled.
When the invocation cannot be cancelled, the mayInterruptIfRunning parameter
is used to alert the session bean instance on which the method invocation is running that
the client attempted to cancel the invocation. If mayInterruptIfRunning is set to
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