Java Reference
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true , calls to SessionContext.wasCancelled by the session bean instance will
return true . If mayInterruptIfRunning is to set false , calls to SessionCon-
text.wasCancelled by the session bean instance will return false .
The Future<V>.isCancelled method is used to check whether the method invoca-
tion was cancelled before the asynchronous method invocation completed by calling Fu-
ture<V>.cancel . The isCancelled method returns true if the invocation was
Checking the Status of an Asynchronous Method Invocation
The Future<V>.isDone method returns true if the session bean instance completed
processing the method invocation. The isDone method returns true if the asynchron-
ous method invocation completed normally, was cancelled, or resulted in an exception.
That is, isDone indicates only whether the session bean has completed processing the
The async Example Application
The async example demonstrates how to define an asynchronous business method on
a session bean and call it from a web client. The MailerBean stateless session bean
defines an asynchronous method, sendMessage , which uses the JavaMail API to send
an email to a specified email address.
This example needs to be configured for your environment before it
runs correctly, and requires access to an SMTPS server.
Architecture of the async Example Application
The async application consists of a single stateless session bean, MailerBean , and a
JavaServer Faces web application front end that uses Facelets tags in XHTML files to dis-
play a form for users to enter the email address for the recipient of an email. The status of
the email is updated when the email is finally sent.
The MailerBean session bean injects a JavaMail resource used to send an email mes-
sage to an address specified by the user. The message is created, modified, and sent us-
ing the JavaMail API. The injected JavaMail resource is configured through the GlassFish
Server Administration Console, or through a resource configuration file packaged with
the application. The resource configuration can be modified at runtime by the GlassFish
Server administrator to use a different mail server or transport protocol.
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