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the device via Google-developed Java libraries
(Meyer, D., 2010).The Android can facilitate
Bluetooth connectivity, SMS (Short Messaging
Service), GPS connectivity, mobile phone to
online database server connectivity and graphics
for Telemedicine application software.
The Android platform includes support for the
Bluetooth network stack, which allows a device
to wirelessly exchange data with other Bluetooth
devices (Haseman, C., 2008). The application
framework provides access to the Bluetooth
functionality through the Android Bluetooth APIs.
These APIs allow applications wirelessly connect
to other Bluetooth devices, enabling point-to-point
and multipoint wireless features. Using the Blue-
tooth APIs, an Android application can perform
scan for other Bluetooth devices, query the local
Bluetooth adapter for paired Bluetooth devices,
establish RF communication channels, connect to
other devices through service discovery, transfer
data to and from other devices and manage mul-
tiple connections. Android gives location services
supported by the device through the classes in the
“android.location” package (Meyer, D., 2010;
Meier, R., 2008). The central component of the
location framework is the LocationManager sys-
tem service, which provides an API to determine
location. Http request functionality is used to send
data to database server.
with a very small footprint, built for PHP cod-
ers which need a simple and elegant toolkit to
create full-featured web applications. Security
management and various type of report genera-
tion like MS Excel report can be easily done with
this framework. It has also some other powerful
features like searching or filtering data according
to user's choice, pagination and graphical view.
Java Script Library for
Mapping and Plotting
Telemedicine web application is also facilitated
with mapping and plotting functionalities. We
used a framework named “JQuery” for mapping
and plotting. JQuery is a new kind of JavaScript
library. JQuery is a fast and concise Java Script
library that simplifies HTML document traversing,
event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions
for rapid web development (Resig, J., 2006). We
used two customized JQuery plugin to handle the
mapping and plotting.
The designed Telemedicine application software
is very simple to operate and is running on the
mobile phone. While initialising the application,
three buttons appear namely -“Pair Device”, “Fre-
quency” and “Report” (Figure 3(A)). However,
these buttons are not activated at the same time.
The patient can keep the sensor in one hand and the
mobile in other hand (Figure 4). Once he presses
the “Pair Device” button on the application, it
starts scanning with showing the message “Scan
Started” for the desired wireless medical device
or sensor through Bluetooth connectivity and
gives a message “Sensor Found” after establish-
ing a connection with the sensor (Figure 3(B)).
As the Bluetooth can connect up to eight devices
simultaneously, we have to write its code in such
a way through which it will only accept the sensor
PHP Based Framework to
Develop Web Application
Our “Telemedicine” web application has been
developed with PHP scripting language. PHP is an
open-source server-side scripting language which
was originally designed for web development to
produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose,
PHP code is embedded into the HTML source
document and interpreted by a web server with a
PHP processor module, which generates the web
page document (Lerdorf, R., 2007). The Web ap-
plication with a PHP based framework is named
“Codeigniter”. It is a powerful PHP framework
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