Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
To start the HelloWorld client instances, start the server and then open the
HelloGame.swf found in the folder $\samples\HelloWorld\bin\hw . You may
open it with either an Internet browser or Flash Player. You may also open several
instances of them.
To fire up the jigsaw sample, you need to open the file JigsawGame.swf found in $\
samples\jigsaw\bin\jig , and the tic-tac-toe sample may be started by opening the
ile TictactoeGame.swf in $\samples\tictactoe\bin\tictactoe .
A high-level architecture of multiplayer
game server
For the curious minds who like to know what happens behind the scenes of a
multiplayer game, the following illustration shows how individual Flash-based
game clients communicate with one another via the game server.
Simple deployment architecture
The architecture is a simplified one that does not show a typical industry strength
deployment with load balancers and separate login server, and others.
However, the architecture shown here is still capable of serving thousands
of concurrent players:
Game Server
(Example Java based)
Flash Game
Flash Game
Flash Game
Flash Game
Depending on the type of game, the performance of a single-server architecture can
support anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand concurrent players. Notice
the word concurrent, which means playing at the same time as opposed to the number
of registered accounts or some other metrics.
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