Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
From here on we will use $ to mean the pulse root installation folder; for example,
the tic-tac-toe sample is found in $\samples\tictactoe .
Running the samples
Once you have verified the installation, we are now ready to fire up the server and
take the samples for a test drive.
Starting the server
Starting the server is quite easy and there are two ways to fire it up. One way is from
the Windows start button; navigate to All Programs | Gamantra | Pulse and select
Start Pulse Server . Another way to fire up the server is by launching the batch file $\
bin\start_pulsar.bat . This will launch the server in a console window. If you don't
see the window, it may be because it is minimized. Make sure you check the taskbar
for the new console icon. The console should look similar to the following screenshot:
Starting the client
The free trial version allows you to start one, and only one, sample at a time. If
you want to try out another sample, you need to restart the server and then fire
up another sample. For example, if you want to try out HelloWorld, you may start
multiple client instances of HelloWorld, and next if you want to fire up tic-tac-toe,
you need to restart the server and then fire up the tic-tac-toe instances.
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