Java Reference
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// Unary minus will succeed without overflow
// because temp cannot be Integer.MIN_VALUE
return (temp < 0) ? -temp : temp;
public int lookup(int hashKey) {
return hash[imod(hashKey, SIZE)];
Incorrectly assuming a positive remainder from a remainder operation can result in erro-
neous code.
[JLS 2013]
§15.17.3, “Remainder Operator %
69. Do not confuse abstract object equality with reference equality
Java defines the equality operators == and != for testing reference equality, but uses the
equals() method defined in Object and its subclasses for testing abstract object equal-
ity. Naïve programmers often confuse the intent of the == operation with that of the Ob-
ject.equals() method.Thisconfusionisfrequentlyevidentinthecontextofprocessing
String objects.
As a general rule, use the Object.equals() method to check whether two objects
have equivalent contents, and use the equality operators == and != to test whether two
references specifically refer to the same object . This latter test is referred to as referential
equality . For classes that require overriding the default equals() implementation, care
must be taken to also override the hashCode() method (see The CERT ® Oracle ® Secure
Coding Standard for Java [Long 2012], “MET09-J. Classes that define an equals()
method must also define a hashCode() method”).
Numeric boxed types (for example, Byte , Character , Short , Integer , Long , Float ,
and Double ) should also be compared using Object.equals() , rather than the == oper-
ator. While reference equality may appear to work for Integer values between the range
Numeric relational operators other than equality (such as < , <= , > , and >= ) can be safely
used to compare boxed primitive types (see “ EXP03-J. Do not use the equality operators
when comparing values of boxed primitives [Long 2012], for more information).
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