Java Reference
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protected void expectations() throws Throwable {
protected void codeToTest() throws Throwable {
UserDto dto = facade.getUserById(id);
FEST -Mocks doesn't require the test class B to extend any class or to use any special
runner; as a drawback, it's necessary to manually instantiate the mocks and objects
being tested C . All it does is provide an abstract template class that must be extended
on each test case D , which in turn must explicitly set the expectations and run the
code to be tested. Then when the method run() is called E , it executes a workflow
similar to that described at the beginning of this section (the main difference is that
the verify step isn't optional, and verify() is always called).
Overall, FEST -Mocks is a bit convoluted, because it explicitly uses the Template
Design Pattern, but in a complex way. Its creators claim that separating the mock's
expectation and code being tested makes the test case clear. Although we agree that
the result is clear to read, it seems less natural and more verbose to develop.
Mycila mock support is similar to Unitils in the way that you mark your mock attri-
butes with annotations. Unlike Unitils, however, you still need to do some manual
setup in a @Before method, such as creating the objects being tested and calling the
Mycila initialization method. Listing 19.3 shows our example converted to Mycila.
Listing 19.3 UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use Mycila EasyMock plug-in
import static com.manning.junitbook.ch19.model.EntitiesHelper.*;
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.dao.UserDao;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.model.User;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.model.UserDto;
import com.mycila.testing.core.TestSetup;
import com.mycila.testing.plugin.easymock.Mock;
public class UserFacadeImplMycilaEasyMockTest {
private UserFacadeImpl facade;
private UserDao dao;
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