Java Reference
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If you forget to include a module, Unitils won't instantiate the attributes that use
annotations from that module, and the test case will eventually throw an excep-
tion. For instance, if the easymock module was not included, the dao reference
wouldn't be set, and the expect(dao.getUserById(id)) statement would throw a
NullPointerException .
Besides configuring which modules are used, you can also change some module
behavior through module-specific properties. For instance, to disable calls to Easy-
Mock's verify() after the test cases are run, you set EasyMockModule.autoVerify-
AfterTest.enabled to false . It's also possible to set the mock behavior mode
(lenient or strict), even if the order of calls should be taken into account.
Another interesting Unitils feature is the @Dummy concept. Attributes annotated
with @Dummy behave similarly to those annotated with @Mock , except that you don't
need to set expectations: all method calls will return default values (such as 0 for
methods that return an int). These dummies are convenient for cases where your
tested objects need a valid reference to another object, but the behavior of that object
is irrelevant for the test case where it's used.
Listing 19.2 shows the same example using FEST -Mocks.
Listing 19.2 UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use FEST-Mocks
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
import org.fest.mocks.EasyMockTemplate;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.dao.UserDao;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.model.User;
import com.manning.junitbook.ch19.model.UserDto;
public class UserFacadeImplFESTTest {
private UserFacadeImpl facade;
private UserDao dao;
public void setFixtures() {
facade = new UserFacadeImpl();
dao = createMock(UserDao. class );
public void testGetUserById() {
final int id = 666;
final User user = newUserWithTelephones();
new EasyMockTemplate(dao) {
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