Java Reference
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build file to invoke the compiler so you no longer need to rely on the command
line. Ant provides a task for almost all build-related jobs that you'd otherwise do on
the command line, including dealing with repositories like CVS . You can also find
tasks not defined by Ant itself that deal with just about anything. We mentioned
CVS , but if you're using Subversion for revision control, you can use SvnAnt 4 out of
the Subclipse project.
A standard practice is to create compile targets in your build file to invoke the Ant
javac task to compile production and source code. The javac task lets you set all com-
piler options, such as the source and destination directories, through task attributes.
Listing 9.2 shows the production and test compile targets that call the Java compiler.
Listing 9.2
The build file compile targets
<target name="">
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
<javac destdir="${}">
<src path="${}"/>
<target name="compile.test" depends="">
<mkdir dir="${target.classes.test.dir}"/>
<javac destdir="${target.classes.test.dir}">
<src path="${src.test.dir}"/>
<pathelement location="${}"/>
<target name="compile" depends=", compile.test"/>
First, we declare the target B to make sure that the destination direc-
tory exists C and compile the production sources D . Ant resolves the property set at the top of the build file (in listing 9.1) and inserts
it in place of ${} . The mkdir task creates a directory C ,
but if it already exists, Ant continues quietly. The build then calls the Java compiler
with javac , giving it the destination D and source E directories.
The compile.test target has a dependency on the target, spec-
ified with the depends attribute F ( depends="" ). When you call
the compile.test target, if Ant hasn't called the target yet, it does
so immediately.
You may have noticed that you don't explicitly add the JU nit JAR to the classpath.
Remember that when you installed Ant, you copied the JU nit JAR file to the
${ ANT_HOME }/lib directory in order to use the junit Ant task. Because junit.jar is
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