Java Reference
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already on your classpath, you don't need to specify it in the javac task to compile
your tests.
You need to add a nested classpath element G in order to add the production
classes you just compiled to the classpath because the test classes call the produc-
tion classes.
Last, we have a compile target H that depends on the and compile .
test targets.
The JUnit task
In chapter 3, we ran the DefaultController tests manually. To test changes, we had
to do the following:
Compile the source code.
Run the TestDefaultController test case against the compiled classes.
We can get Ant to perform both steps as part of the same build target. Listing 9.3
shows the test target.
Listing 9.3
The build file test target
<target name="test" depends="compile">
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonerror="yes" haltonfailure="yes"
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<test name="junitbook.example.TestDefaultController"/>
<pathelement location="${}"/>
<pathelement location="${target.classes.test.dir}"/>
We declare the test target and define it to depend on the compile target B . If we ask
Ant to run the test target, it'll run the compile target before running the test target
(unless Ant has already called compile ). The only task defined in this target is to call
junit C . The junit printsummary attribute causes the task to print a one-line sum-
mary at the end of the test. Setting fork to yes forces Ant to use a separate Java Virtual
Machine for each test. Although this is a performance hit, it's a good practice if you're
worried about interference between test cases. The haltonfailure and haltonerror
attributes direct the build to stop if any test returns an error or a failure. In Ant, an
error is an unexpected error, like an exception, whereas a failure is a failed assert call.
We configure the junit task formatter to use plain text and output the test result to
the console D . The test name attribute defines the class name of the test to run E .
Finally, we extend the classpath to use for this task to include the production and test
classes we just compiled F .
This makes up our first test target; next, we run the Ant build.
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