Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 13.2 Examples of handling of nanopowders with low dispersion energy transfer,
here bagging: (a) bag exchange and (b) bag filling. (Photos courtesy of TNO/C. Bekker.)
FIGURE 13.3 Examples of handling of nanopowders with high dispersion energy transfer,
here (a) mixing and (b) spraying of a liquid coating. (Photos courtesy of TNO/C. Bekker.)
13.3.1 s ourCe d omain 1: s ynthesis of n anoPartiCles
Gas-phase based aerosol processes have, in general, high production rates and low
volume requirements. Examples are the hot wall (tubular) reactor process, laser-
based aerosol production (e.g., laser pyrolysis), and plasma (arc/sputtering-based
aerosol production) and (liquid) flame synthesis. Reasons why these types of syn-
thesis are more often used over wet-based methods (e.g., sol-gel) are the often more
complex nature and low yields of the latter. However, an excellent control of particle
size distribution is achievable with the wet-based methods. Another method, the
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