Java Reference
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public int getCount()
//Method to show the number of items in the dispenser
//Postcondition: The value of the instance variable
numberOfItems is returned
public int getProductCost()
//Method to show the cost of the item
//Postcondition: The value of the instance
variable cost is returned
public void makeSale()
//Method to reduce the number of items by 1
//Postcondition: numberOfItems = numberOfItems - 1;
-numberOfItems: int
-cost: int
+Dispenser( int , int )
+getCount(): int
+getProductCost(): int
+makeSale(): void
FIGURE 8-20 UML class diagram of the class Dispenser
Because the candy machine sells four types of items, we will create four objects of
type Dispenser . The statement:
Dispenser chips = new Dispenser(100, 65);
creates the object chips , sets the number of chip bags in this dispenser to 100 , and
sets the cost of each chip bag to 65 cents (see Figure 8-21).
numberOfItems 100
cost 65
FIGURE 8-21 The object chips
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