Java Reference
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//Constructor with parameters to set the cash in
//the register to a specific amount
//Postcondition: cashOnHand = cashIn
public CashRegister( int cashIn)
if (cashIn >= 0)
cashOnHand = cashIn;
cashOnHand = 500;
//Method to show the current amount in the cash register
//Postcondition: The value of the instance variable
// cashOnHand is returned.
public int currentBalance()
return cashOnHand;
//Method to receive the amount deposited by
//the customer and update the amount in the register
//Postcondition: cashOnHand = cashOnHand + amountIn
public void acceptAmount( int amountIn)
cashOnHand = cashOnHand + amountIn;
Dispenser The dispenser releases the selected item if it is not empty. It should show the number
of items in the dispenser and the cost of the item. Let's call the class implementing a
dispenser Dispenser . The members necessary to implement the class Dispenser
are listed next and shown in Figure 8-20.
private int numberOfItems; //variable to store the number of
//items in the dispenser
private int cost;
//variable to store the cost of an item
and Methods
public Dispenser()
//Default constructor to set the cost and number of
//items to the default values
//Postcondition: numberOfItems = 50; cost = 50;
public Dispenser( int setNoOfItems, int setCost)
//Constructor with parameters to set the cost and number
//of items in the dispenser specified by the user
//Postcondition: numberOfItems = setNoOfItems;
cost = setCost;
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