Java Reference
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Multiple Selections: Nested if
In the previous sections, you learned how to implement one-way and two-way selections
in a program. However, some problems require the implementation of more than two
alternatives. For example, suppose that if the checking account balance is greater than or
equal to $50000, the interest rate is 5%; if the balance is greater than or equal to $25000
and less than $50000, the interest rate is 4%; if the balance is greater than or equal to
$1000 and less than $25000, the interest rate is 3%; otherwise, the interest rate is 0%. This
particular problem has four alternatives—that is, multiple selection paths. You can include
multiple selection paths in a program by using an if ... else structure—if the action
statement itself is an if or if ... else statement. When one control statement is located
within another, it is said to be nested.
Suppose that balance and interestRate are variables of type double . The following
statements determine the interestRate depending on the value of balance :
if (balance >= 50000.00)
//Line 1
interestRate = 0.05;
//Line 2
//Line 3
if (balance >= 25000.00)
//Line 4
interestRate = 0.04;
//Line 5
//Line 6
if (balance >= 1000.00)
//Line 7
interestRate = 0.03;
//Line 8
//Line 9
interestRate = 0.00;
//Line 10
Suppose that the value of balance is 60000.00 . Then, the expression balance >=
50000.00 in Line 1 evaluates to true and the statement in Line 2 executes. Now
suppose the value of balance is 40000.00 . Then, the expression balance >=
50000.00 in Line 1 evaluates to false .Sothe else part at Line 3 executes. The
statement part of this else is an if ... else statement. Therefore, the expression
balance >= 25000.00 is evaluated, which evaluates to true and the statement in Line
5 executes. Note that the expression in Line 4 is evaluated only when the expression in
Line 1 evaluates to false . The expression in Line 1 evaluates to false if balance <
50000.00 and then the expression in Line 4 is evaluated. It follows that the expression
in Line 4 determines if the value of balance is greater than or equal to 25000 and less
than 50000 . In other words, the expression in Line 4 is equivalent to the expression
( balance >= 25000.00 && balance < 50000.00) . The expression in Line 7 works the
same way.
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