Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Check the EM URL value to see if a secure HTTPS URL is already being used for the connection. If not, this can be
configured with an EM CLI verb call:
> emcli setup -url="http[s]://host:port/em" -username="<username>” [-trustall] [-novalidate]
You will be asked to provide the SYSMAN password to complete this security-level configuration change to the
EM console. Enter the password and press Return to complete the setup. Running the emcli status verb call will
show the updated value for the EMURL, or one can use the emcli setup call to view it (Figure 2-18 ).
Figure 2-18. Issuing the setup command to verify a secure https connection for the EM URL used by the EM CLI and
Enterprise Manager console
Verbs of Great Value in Release 4
As with each of the EM12c releases, there have been great enhancements and the introduction of new verbs to be used
with the EM CLI. Release 4 ( was no different, and there were updated patches to complete the release, as
dependencies for the verbs from other product lines were released as well.
Gold Agent Update Verbs
The “gold agent” verbs were one of those verb groups that were released in a patch versus being part of the initial
Release 4. They were listed with the initial EM CLI release documentation and help file, but were not actually available
until the patch. See here:
get_agent_update_status : Shows all agent update results using a gold image
get_not_updatable_agents : Shows agents that can't be updated as part of a gold image
get_updatable_agents : Shows updatable agents for a given gold agent image name or part
of a gold image series
BI Publisher Reports Verbs
Release 4 included BI Publisher as part of the installation. The compact install, which is now only approximately 300
MB in size, required only a few EM CLI commands to grant access and features to an Enterprise Manager user:
grant_bipublisher_roles : Grants access to the BI Publisher catalog and features
revoke_bipublisher_roles : Revokes access to the BI Publisher catalog and features
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