Database Reference
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Cloud Service Verbs
Cloud offerings improved significantly with Release 4, and the ability to manage cloud requests, users, and service-
instance data from the command line was essential to simplifying task management for cloud services:
cancel_cloud_service_requests : Cancel the cloud requests. Either user or names option
should be provided
delete_cloud_service_instances : Deletes the cloud service instances based on the
specified filter
delete_cloud_user_objects : Deletes cloud user objects, including cloud service instances
and requests
get_cloud_service_instances : Retrieves the list of cloud service instances. All instances
will be printed if no option is specified.
get_cloud_service_requests : Retrieves the list of cloud requests. All requests will be
printed if no filter is applied.
get_cloud_user_objects : Retrieves the list of cloud user objects, including cloud service
instances and requests. All objects will be printed if user option is not used.
Miscellaneous Verbs
There were significant changes to blackouts in Release 4, one of which was to allow for retroactive blackouts within
the console, as well as within the command line:
create_rbk : Creates retroactive blackout on given targets and updates their availability.
The retroactive blackout feature needs to be enabled from the UI for using this emcli
Orphan targets have been an issue for a while. Having the new compliance-enhancement verb addresses
this problem:
fix_compliance_state : Fix compliance state by removing references in deleted targets.
The following verb is to support the complex composite targets in WebLogic environments. Having a specific
verb designed to modify these targets is essential:
modify_monitoring_agent : This verb can be used to change the agents that are configured
to monitor targets in a WebLogic domain.
Fusion Middleware Provisioning Verbs
Fusion Middleware has a number of verb additions and enhancements to help manage WebLogic features and build
out more options from the command line:
create_fmw_domain_profile : Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from a
WebLogic domain
create_fmw_home_profile : Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from an
Oracle home
create_inst_media_profile : Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from
installation media
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