Database Reference
In-Depth Information
> emcli get_instance_data -instance= B95E01B1F145B5EEE050634DC8854DC >
A properties file with the name is created.
Open the properties file in an editor and enter the updated information, then save. Once updates are completed,
you must submit the procedure:
> emcli submit_procedure -input_file:
This will complete the process of submitting the procedure to scale up a middleware deployment.
Python has been around for quite a while and will continue to grow in popularity as a relatively easy and robust
development language. But what is “Jython”?
Jython, by the simplest definition, is the Java implementation of the Python language. Like Python, the syntax is
simple to learn, self-formatted, and does not require compilation (like Perl) before the code can be used.
Beginning with EM12c Release 3, the EM CLI includes an embedded Jython interpreter. The function calls, also
known as verbs, are executed with their corresponding key-value pairs or parameters presented as verb arguments.
The purpose and use of verbs is explained later in this topic.
If utilizing interactive mode, the interpreter opens a shell where simpler commands are issued, rather than
shell-scripting mode where the interpreter accepts a scripted list of commands to process as a program, or rather than
when simply exercising EM CLI at the command prompt. The advantage, of course, is that end-users can apply the
power of EM CLI without being concerned about syntax and key-value pairs.
You can connect to any target in the Enterprise Manager environment via stateless communication and a security
layer in the OMS so as to utilize Jython with EM CLI. There is a simple and generic list function within the Enterprise
Manager resources, as well as an ability to run user-defined SQL queries to access published repository views.
To execute a script written in Jython, the command can be as simple as executing it from the command line
interactively, much as you would a SQL script:
> emcli
To run in interactive mode, you would need to start the EM CLI program:
> emcli <enter>
The Jython-based scripting environment allows interactive processing and a simple scripting mode with a
standardized format using JSON. JSON stands for Java Script Object Notation . JSON format is also fairly simple. It
requires only the representative data for collections of names and value pairs. These pairs are then housed within
arrays, maps, or lists to ensure manageability.
Similar to XML, JSON corresponds to how both developers and environment systems read data, but it doesn't
have the metadata overhead that is required for XML, referred to as elements and attribute names.
Supported Java Versions
EM CLI requires proper Java version support, which is also a requirement for advanced scripting with Jython,
so knowledge of Java versions is important. The copy of EM CLI installed on your OMS during standard product
installation relies on the JAVA_HOME already in place for OEM.
EM CLI on other locations (such as your desktop) must have the JAVA_HOME set, and it requires Java version
or greater.
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