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Once the file is created, open the file with vi and update it with those properties required to complete the
necessary data for the FMV provisioning (seen in red in Figure 2-13 ; will need to be updated with the values for your
Figure 2-13. Example of filled-out properties file to be used in fulfilling request for procedure calls with EM CLI
Save the updated template file and submit the procedure to complete the provisioning:
> emcli submit_procedure -procedure=
One of the biggest strengths of provisioning is scalability. EM12c offers the opportunity to increase the cluster's
capacity with additional server instances. The option to scale a managed server up and out using EM CLI commands
along with the SCALEUP procedure and the instance GUID is required in order to create the input properties file for
the procedure. Once the properties file is updated, the SCALEUP procedure can be submitted:
> emcli get_procedures | grep SCALEUP
B95E01B1F145B5EEE050634DC8854DC, FMW Provisioning, SCALEUP DP, Scale up/Scale out Middleware, 2.0,
Once this information is returned, you can use the GUID information to create the properties file. This process
must be submitted at least once for the target GUID to create the properties file or an error will occur:
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