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6. Gervás, P.: Exploring quantitative evaluations of the creativity of automatic poets. In:Workshop
on Creative Systems, Approaches to Creativity in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science,
15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2002)
7. Gervás, P.: Engineering linguistic creativity: Bird flight and jet planes. In: NAACL HLT 2010
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8. Gervás, P.: Dynamic inspiring sets for sustained novelty in poetry generation. In: Ventura, D.,
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9. Gervás, P., Computational modelling of poetry generation. In: Artificial Intelligence and Poetry
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10. Gervás, P., Evolutionary elaboration of daily news as a poetic stanza. In: IXCongresoEspañol de
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11. Gervás, P., León, C.: Reading and writing as a creative cycle: the need for a computational
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12. Gonçalo Oliveira. H., PoeTryMe: a versatile platform for poetry generation. In: Proceedings
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13. Machado, P., Correia, J.: Semantic aware methods for evolutionary art. In: Genetic and Evolu-
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14. McQuaid, S.: Report on the Proceedings of the Workshop: The Future of ICT for Creativ-
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15. Oliveira, H.G., Hervás, R., Díaz, A., Gervás, P.: Adapting a generic platform for poetry gener-
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16. Peinado, F., Francisco, V., Hervás, R., Gervás, P.: Assessing the novelty of computer-generated
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17. Pérez y Pérez, R.: MEXICA: a computer model of creativity in writing. PhD thesis, The
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18. Ritchie, G.: Some empirical criteria for attributing creativity to a computer program. Mind.
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19. Varshney, L.R., Pinel, F., Varshney, K.R., Schrgendorfer, A., Chee, Y.M.: Cognition as a part
of computational creativity. In: ICCI*CC, pp. 36-43. IEEE (2013)
20. Veale, T.: A service-oriented architecture for computational creativity. J. Comput. Sci. Eng.
7 (3), 159-167 (2013)
21. Wiggins, G.A.: A preliminary framework for description, analysis and comparison of creative
systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 19 (7), 449-458 (2006)
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