The deepEquals( ) method can be used to determine if two arrays, which might contain
nested arrays, are equal. It has this declaration:
static boolean deepEquals(Object[ ] a, Object[ ] b)
It returns true if the arrays passed in a and b contain the same elements. If a and b contain
nested arrays, then the contents of those nested arrays are also checked. It returns false if
the arrays, or any nested arrays, differ.
The fill( ) method assigns a value to all elements in an array. In other words, it fills an
array with a specified value. The fill( ) method has two versions. The first version, which
has the following forms, fills an entire array:
static void fill(boolean array[ ], boolean value)
static void fill(byte array[ ], byte value)
static void fill(char array[ ], char value)
static void fill(double array[ ], double value)
static void fill(float array[ ], float value)
static void fill(int array[ ], int value)
static void fill(long array[ ], long value)
static void fill(short array[ ], short value)
static void fill(Object array[ ], Object value)
Here, value is assigned to all elements in array.
The second version of the fill( ) method assigns a value to a subset of an array. Its forms
are shown here:
static void fill(boolean array[ ], int start, int end, boolean value)
static void fill(byte array[ ], int start, int end, byte value)
static void fill(char array[ ], int start, int end, char value)
static void fill(double array[ ], int start, int end, double value)
static void fill(float array[ ], int start, int end, float value)
static void fill(int array[ ], int start, int end, int value)
static void fill(long array[ ], int start, int end, long value)
static void fill(short array[ ], int start, int end, short value)
static void fill(Object array[ ], int start, int end, Object value)
Here, value is assigned to the elements in array from position start to position end­. These
methods may all throw an IllegalArgumentException if start is greater than end, or an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if start or end is out of bounds.
The sort( ) method sorts an array so that it is arranged in ascending order. The sort( )
method has two versions. The first version, shown here, sorts the entire array:
static void sort(byte array[ ])
static void sort(char array[ ])
static void sort(double array[ ])
static void sort(float array[ ])
static void sort(int array[ ])
static void sort(long array[ ])
static void sort(short array[ ])
static void sort(Object array[ ])
static <T> void sort(T array[ ], Comparator<? super T> c)
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