static int[ ] copyOf(int[ ] source, int len)
static long[ ] copyOf(long[ ] source, int len)
static short[ ] copyOf(short[ ] source, int len)
static <T> T[ ] copyOf(T[ ] source, int len)
static <T,U> T[ ] copyOf(U[ ] source, int len, Class<? extends T[ ]> resultT)
The original array is specified by source, and the length of the copy is specified by len. If the
copy is longer than source, then the copy is padded with zeros (for numeric arrays), nulls
(for object arrays), or false (for boolean arrays). If the copy is shorter than source, then the
copy is truncated. In the last form, the type of resultT becomes the type of the array
returned. If len is negative, a NegativeArraySizeException is thrown. If source is null,
a NullPointerException is thrown. If resultT is incompatible with the type of source, an
ArrayStoreException is thrown.
The copyOfRange( ) method was also added by Java SE 6. It returns a copy of a range
within an array and has the following forms:
static boolean[ ] copyOfRange(boolean[ ] source, int start, int end)
static byte[ ] copyOfRange(byte[ ] source, int start, int end)
static char[ ] copyOfRange(char[ ] source, int start, int end)
static double[ ] copyOfRange(double[ ] source, int start, int end)
static float[ ] copyOfRange(float[ ] source, int start, int end)
static int[ ] copyOfRange(int[ ] source, int start, int end)
static long[ ] copyOfRange(long[ ] source, int start, int end)
static short[ ] copyOfRange(short[ ] source, int start, int end)
static <T> T[ ] copyOfRange(T[ ] source, int start, int end)
static <T,U> T[ ] copyOfRange(U[ ] source, int start, int end,
Class<? extends T[ ]> resultT)
The original array is specified by source. The range to copy is specified by the indices
passed via start and end. The range runs from start to end ­ . If the range is longer than source,
then the copy is padded with zeros (for numeric arrays), nulls (for object arrays), or false (for
boolean arrays). In the last form, the type of resultT becomes the type of the array returned. If
start is negative or greater than the length of source, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is
thrown. If start is greater than end, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If source is null, a
NullPointerException is thrown. If resultT is incompatible with the type of source, an
ArrayStoreException is thrown.
The equals( ) method returns true if two arrays are equivalent. Otherwise, it returns false.
The equals( ) method has the following forms:
static boolean equals(boolean array1[ ], boolean array2[ ])
static boolean equals(byte array1[ ], byte array2[ ])
static boolean equals(char array1[ ], char array2[ ])
static boolean equals(double array1[ ], double array2[ ])
static boolean equals(float array1[ ], float array2[ ])
static boolean equals(int array1[ ], int array2[ ])
static boolean equals(long array1[ ], long array2[ ])
static boolean equals(short array1[ ], short array2[ ])
static boolean equals(Object array1[ ], Object array2[ ])
Here, array1 and array2 are the two arrays that are compared for equality.
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