Adding Hair (Sculpting a Portrait Bust) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

You can continue with the sculptural look by adding hair to Amy. Create a layer named Hair at a subdivision level of 1. At this level, you can add mass to the skull and neck area using the Foam tool. This mass should resemble the mass of hair. Pay close attention to how the hair grows and falls on the skull, neck, and face to simulate a natural look. Once the mass is added at a lower level, subdivide your sculpture to level 4 and add a layer called Hair Detail. Add detail using the Sculpt tool set at size 4-5 and strength 28. Alternate between Sculpt and inverting Sculpt tools to create the details of the hair. Smooth when necessary. Creating hair is limited as your topology on your hair layer will begin to change as you bring out more mass, making details in hair difficult, although starting at a lower subdivision will help, as well as creating simple hairstyles. Adding hair has its advantages: you may find that after adding hair, you notice other areas of the face that need to be modified (Figure 3.63).


It has been said that Leonardo da Vinci once exclaimed, “Art is never finished, only abandoned" This means that you could continue to refine your model for hours or days and keep finding areas to work on. Remember that the original goal was to sculpt a likeness of Amy and not an exact duplicate. If the anatomy and proportions are correct and your model resembles Amy, then you have completed the task for this tutorial and learned a good deal about facial structure and anatomy. In the next topic, you will take what you have learned and apply it to creating a full figure.

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