The State in Brief

Nickname: The Ocean State Motto: Hope
Flower: Violet
Bird: Rhode Island red hen
Area: 1,545 square miles (2000; U.S. rank 50th)
Elevation: Ranges from sea level to 812 feet Climate: Warm summers, abundant rainfall; long winters with occasional heavy snowfall; moderated by ocean
Admitted to Union: May 29, 1790
Capital: Providence
Head Official: Governor Don Carcieri (R) (until 2007)
1980: 947,154
1990: 1,003,464
2000: 1,048,319
2004 estimate: 1,080,632
Percent change, 1990-2000: 4.5%
U.S. rank in 2004: 43rd
Percent of residents born in state: 61.4% (2000)
Density: 1003.2 people per square mile (2000)
2002 FBI Crime Index Total: 38,393
Racial and Ethnic Characteristics (2000)
White: 891,191
Black or African American: 46,908
American Indian and Alaska Native: 5,121
Asian: 23,665
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 567
Hispanic or Latino (may be of any race): 90,820
Other: 52,616
Age Characteristics (2000)
Population under 5 years old: 63,896
Population 5 to 19 years old: 218,720
Percent of population 65 years and over: 14.5%
Median age: 36.7 years (2000)
Vital Statistics
Total number of births (2003): 13,081
Total number of deaths (2003): 10,064 (infant deaths,76)
AIDS cases reported through 2003: 1,103 Economy
Major industries: Trade, services, manufacturing, research, agriculture
Unemployment rate: 4.7% (April 2005)
Per capita income: $31,937 (2003; U.S. rank: 17th)
Median household income: $45,205 (3-year average,2001-2003)
Percentage of persons below poverty level: 10.7%(3-year average, 2001-2003)
Income tax rate: 25% of federal income tax liability
Sales tax rate: 7%

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