Greco-Roman Mythology

Epicaste To Eurynome (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Epicaste Greek The Homeric name for Jocasta, the mother of Oedipus. Epidaurus Greek Town in Argos that was the center of the cult of Asclepios. A fourth-century B.C. theater, the center of the god’s worship there, is still preserved. Epigoni Greek Generic name applied to the descendants of the original Seven Against Thebes when Adrastus […]

Eurystheus To Giant (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Eurystheus Greco-Roman Son of Sthenelus and Nicippe, the daughter of Pelops, king of Mycenae, Argos, or Tiryns. When Heracles murdered his wife and children in a bout of madness, the Delphic Oracle commanded him to labor for 12 years under Eurystheus, doing whatever that king bid without question, after which time immortality would be conferred […]

Gigantes To Heliades (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Gigantes Greek An alternative term for the Titans, the offspring of Ge and Uranos who took part in the Titanomachia against the gods of Olympus. They were giant beings, having serpents’ tails, and were variously disposed of during their battle with the Olympian gods, who had the help of Heracles. Glauce Greek Daughter of Creon […]

Helicaon To Heracl(e)idae (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Helicaon Greek Husband of Laodice, the unfortunate sister of Cassandra who, following the fall of Troy, was swallowed up by the earth, thus being saved from falling into Greek hands. Helicon Greek A lofty mountain in Boeotia that was sacred to Apollo and the home of the Muses, hence Heliconiades and Heliconides. The special haunt […]

Hercules To Iacchus (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Hercules Roman The name by which Heracles was known to the Romans. Known as "the Unconquerable," Hercules became the patron of merchants and soldiers. Although the origins of the Roman cult of Hercules may be Phoenician, they certainly exhibit later Etruscan influence (Hercules was known as Herce to the Etruscans). Although it seems likely that […]

Iambe To Kron~os, ~us (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Iambe Greek The daughter of Pan and the nymph Echo and a servant to Celeus, king of Eleusis, and Metaneira. When Demeter came to Eleusis during her fruitless search for Persephone, Iambe made the goddess a drink of kykeon, a mixture of water, barley, and honey. Demeter despondently refused the drink, so Iambe, whose name […]

Labdacus To Lotophagi (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Labdacus Greek King of Thebes, grandson of Cadmos, son of Polydorus, and father of Laius. Labyrinth, the Greek The mazelike prison that was built by Daedalus on the order of Minos at Knossos, Crete, as the prison-home of the monstrous Minotaur. It had but one entrance and was composed of many winding alleys with dead […]

Lotus-Eaters To Melampus (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Lotus-Eaters Greek The name given to the companions of Odysseus who, while visiting the Lotophagi on the Libyan coast, ate the fruit of the lotus plant and so entered the same state of enervating dreaminess in which the Lotophagi lived. They led a life of perfect, empty-headed contentment and immediately lost all desire to return […]

Melanion To Mithras (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Melanion Greek "The Black One"; a chaste hermit who lived in the mountains, far away from civilization, and spent his time hunting. He appears in just one tradition, where he ends up as the husband of Atalanta, though he also appears in this role as Hippomenes. Melanippe Greek "Black Horse"; the daughter of Aeolus (son […]

Mnemosyne To Nestor (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Mnemosyne Greek "Memory"; the daughter of Uranos and Ge and mother of the Muses by Zeus. Mo~era, ~ira Greek The name of the original single Fate to whom even Zeus had to yield. Later tradition named three Fates who then became known as the Moirae (Moerae) after the original single deity. Mo~erae, ~irae Greek The […]