Greco-Roman Mythology

Due to the enormous diversity of Greek myths and legends, it is hard to envisage a proper understanding of European culture as a whole without some understanding of, or at least familiarity with, these stories as well as how Greek civilization evolved and was subsequently absorbed. The gods and goddesses of Greek culture derive their […]

Abaris To Achilles (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Abaris Greek A priest of Apollo who lived without the need for food and rode upon a golden arrow that was given to him by the god. Abas Greek 1. A son of Celeus, king of Eleusis, and Metaneira; brother of Triptolemus. He mocked the visiting goddess Demeter while she wandered earth in search of […]

Acho To Aegina (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Acho General Mountain, also called Mount Hacho, at the far northern tip of Morocco that is sometimes identified as being Abyla (or Ceuta), the southernmost of the Pillars of Heracles (Hercules), the northernmost being Calpe, commonly identified with the Rock of Gibraltar. Acippe Greek Offspring of Ares, the god of war, though it may simply […]

Aegisthus To Aethra (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Aegisthus Greek The son of Thyestes by his daughter, Pelopia. She stole Thyestes’ sword during the rape. She then married Thyestes’ brother, Atreus, who was visiting Sicyon and thought that Pelopia was the daughter of Threspotus. When Pelo-pia gave birth to Aegisthus she abandoned him, but Atreus, believing the boy to be his own, took […]

Aetna To Alcippe (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Aetna Greco-Roman Ancient name of the active volcano on Sicily now known as Mount Etna. Two historic eruptions occurred in the fifth century B.C. Aetolia Greek A district of ancient Greece on the northwest shore of the Gulf of Corinth. The Aetolian League was a confederation of the cities of Aetolia, which, after the death […]

Alcmaeon To Amphiaraus (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Alcmaeon Greek Son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and father of Acarnan and Amphoretus. He slew his own mother, Eriphyle, in revenge for her vanity and deceit toward both his father and himself, having been bribed by Polyneices’ son to urge him and his brother, Am-philochus, to lead a second attack against Thebes, just as she […]

Amphiareion To Antigone (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Amphiareion Greek The sanctuary of Amphiaraus at Oropos in Attica where he was revered as a healing and oracular deity in classical times. The sanctuary became an important place of pilgrimage, especially for the sick. Amphilochus Greek Son of Amphiaraus, brother of Alcmaeon, and a seer like his father. He joined his brother on the […]

Antigone To Aquarius (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Antigone Greek Tragedy by Sophocles that was written c. 411 B.C. In it Antigone buries her dead brother, Polyneices, in defiance of the Theban king, Creon, but in accordance with the wishes of the gods. As punishment Creon imprisons Antigone in a cave, but after receiving warning that he has defied the gods, he goes […]

Aquila To Aries (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Aquila Greek The eagle that carried the thunderbolts of Zeus in his battle against the Titans. Later the same eagle was said to have carried Ganymede, the son of the king of Troy, to Olympus to serve as cupbearer to the gods. Aquila was transferred to the heavens as the constellation that bears his name, […]

Arimaspea To Ate (Greco-Roman Mythology)

Arimaspea Greek A lost poem by Aristaeus of Proconnesos that describes the Arimaspians or Arimaspi as a one-eyed race who lived in the northern regions of the world. Arimaspi Greek Described in the lost poem Arimaspea by Aristaeus of Proconnesos, the Arimaspi (Anglicized as Arimaspians) were a one-eyed race living on the Scythian steppes, neighbors […]