Authorised To Basic (Aviation)

Authorisedtmp1C81-16_thumbauthorized adjective officially allowed, permitted o Aircraft with a maximum authorised weight of 12,500 lb or less. □ an authorized person a person who has been given power to act and perform particular tasks or duties authoritativetmp1C81-17_thumbadjective in the manner of somebody with authority, in a commanding way □ crew must act in an authoritative manner crew must give firm instructions or orders

authoritytmp1C81-18_thumbnoun 1. complete control or power over something o While boarding, the captain has the authority to ask an unruly passenger to leave the aircraft. 2. an official or government body with the power to make decisions

auto-tmp1C94-1_thumb‘ prefix automatic or automated

autogirotmp1C94-2_thumbnoun an aircraft that uses a propeller to produce forward motion and has an unpowered horizontal rotor for lift and stability autolandtmp1C94-3_thumbabbreviation automatic landing

automatetmp1C94-4_thumbverb to make e.g. a device or procedure automatic □ automated systems systems which have been made less dependent on direct human control or management automatictmp1C94-5_thumbadjective 1.

done without needing to think o In the early stages of training, student pilots have to think about the use of the flying controls, but after a while these actions become automatic. 2. which works by itself without the need of an operator The normal activation method is automatic.

automatic dependent surveillancetmp1C94-6_thumb tmp1C94-7_thumban electronic surveillance system that uses data that aircraft provide automatically via a datalink and is able to identify and track the aircraft automatic direction finder

tmp1C94-8_thumb noun a radio navigation instrument that receives signals from non-directional radio beacons o The needle on the ADF indicator points toward the selected radio signal. Abbreviation ADF

automatic landingtmp1C94-9_thumb tmp1C94-10_thumbnoun automatic flight control system capable of landing an aircraft ‘hands-off.’


Autoland automatic mixture control tmp1C94-11_thumbnoun a subsystem in a piston engine which adjusts the flow of fuel to balance changes in air density

automatic pilottmp1C94-12_thumb tmp1C94-13_thumbnoun full form of autopilot Automatic Terminal Information Servicetmp1C94-14_thumb tmp1C94-15_thumbnoun a recording of information played continuously on a specified radio frequency which gives pilots the current weather, runway in use, etc. o Students listen to the ATIS to practise their language skills.

Abbreviation ATIS

automationtmp1C94-16_thumbnoun the automatic operation or automatic control of a piece of equipment, a process, or a system o Automation has speeded up baggage handling. o Automation of throttle control has removed the need for pilots to monitor airspeed so closely. o It is possible that the alternate source might provide a reduced level of automation.

autopilottmp1C94-17_thumb‘ noun a system which automatically stabilises an aircraft about its three axes, restores the original flight path following an upset and, in some systems, causes the aircraft to follow a preselected airspeed, altitude or heading. Full form automatic pilot.

Abbreviation A/P auxiliarytmp1C94-18_thumbadjective secondary, which is used when necessary to help or substitute for something else auxiliary gearboxtmp1C94-19_thumb tmp1C94-20_thumbnoun a gear box which allows main engine power to be used for secondary systems

auxiliary power unittmp1C94-21_thumb tmp1C94-22_thumbnoun a small jet engine used to generate electrical power for air-conditioning, etc., when the aircraft is parked on the ground. Abbreviation APU

auxiliary rotortmp1C94-23_thumb

noun the tail rotor of a helicopter availabilitytmp1C94-24_thumbnoun the fact of being available o The status of an airport is determined by the availability of suitable navigation aids. availabletmp1C94-25_thumbadjective ready for immediate use o On a multi-engine aircraft, all the fuel must be available for use by any engine. averagetmp1C94-26_thumbadjective refer ring to an average o For load sheet purposes, an average weight of the passengers and crew members may be used. ■ noun the total divided by the number of items added o The average of 1, 5, 9, 10 and 15 is 8 (1+5+9+10+15 = 40 ^ 5 = 8). ■ verb to reach a particular figure as an average o Brake temperatures average around 500°C during normal operations.

averttmp1CAF-1_thumbverb to avoid o To avert a collision, he changed direction.

AVGAStmp1CAF-2_thumbabbreviation aviation gasoline

aviationtmp1CAF-3_thumbnoun flying an aircraft o Wind speeds in aviation are usually given in knots.

aviation gasolinetmp1CAF-4_thumb tmp1CAF-5_thumbnoun fuel used in piston-engined aircraft.

Abbreviation AVGAS aviation lawtmp1CAF-6_thumb‘ noun the laws relating to flying aviation routinetmp1CAF-7_thumbweather report noun a weather report issued regularly at intervals of an hour or half an hour describing weather conditions at an airport. Abbreviation METAR aviatortmp1CAF-8_thumbnoun a person who flies aircraft

avionicstmp1CAF-9_thumbnoun electronic communication, navigation, and flight-control equipment of an aircraft o The trainee engineer is doing an avionics course. Full form aviation electronics

avoidtmp1CAF-10_thumbverb 1. to prevent something from happening o She just managed to avoid an accident. 2. to keep away from something o Avoid flying close to any person or vessel. o Cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms should be avoided by as great a distance as possible.

avoidancetmp1CAF-11_thumbnoun an act of avoiding something □ avoidance of thunderstorms is recommended it is recommended to keep away from thunderstorms

awaittmp1CAF-12_thumbverb to wait for o Await instructions from the flight deck.

awaretmp1CAF-13_thumbadjective knowing and being conscious of something  The pilot should be aware of the positions of all other aircraft in the circuit.

awarenesstmp1CAF-14_thumbnoun the state of being aware or conscious of something □ safety awareness the state of being familiar with and prepared for any situation in which safety is important

AWR abbreviation airborne weather radar axialtmp1CAF-15_thumbadjective referring to an axis

axial flow compressortmp1CAF-16_thumb tmp1CAF-17_thumbnoun a compressor in which the flow of air is along the longitudinal axis of the engine o In spite of the adoption of the axial flow type compressor, some engine retain the centrifugal type.

axistmp1CAF-18_thumbnoun 1. an imaginary line around which a body rotates o The Earth rotates around its own axis. o An aircraft moves around three axes — vertical, longitudinal and lateral. i> pitch, roll, yaw 2. a horizontal or vertical scale on a graph, often referred to as the X axis, the horizontal axis, and the Y axis, the vertical axis o The plot shows the effect of airspeed on lift with airspeed .shown on the horizontal axis and lift on the vertical axis. (note: The plural form Is axes.)

axletmp1CAF-19_thumbnoun a shaft on which a wheel is mounted o Unequal tyre-pressures, where two wheels are mounted on the same axle, will result in one tyre carrying a greater share of the load than the other. (note: The wheel either turns round the axle or is fixed to the axle.)

azimuthtmp1CAF-20_thumbnoun the horizontal angle or direction of a compass bearing o Where precision approach radar is installed, the controller can inform the pilot if they depart from either the extended centre-line in azimuth or height or both.

backtmp1CC4-1_thumbverb (of the wind) to change direction in an anticlockwise direction. Opposite veer

backuptmp1CC4-2_thumbadjective, noun a second or third system, instrument or computer disk available to be used if the first one fails o The backup system or the backup failed as well. o Backup generators are driven by the engine.

backwardtmp1CC4-3_thumbadjective directed towards the back o a backward movement

backwardstmp1CC4-4_thumbadverb towards the back o Unlike most aircraft, the C130 can move backwards using its own power. (note: The US English is backward.)

backwashtmp1CC4-5_thumbnoun a back ward flow of air produced by an aircraft propeller or jet engine

baffletmp1CC4-6_thumbnoun a metal plate for preventing the free movement of sound or liquids o Integral fuel tanks can be strengthened by fitting baffle plates.

baggagetmp1CC4-7_thumbnoun luggage, cases and bags which you take with you when travelling o One passenger had a huge amount of baggage. o She lost one piece of baggage. (note: The word luggage is also used in British English.) □ baggage hall an area where arriving passengers pick up their baggage □ carry-on baggage small bags of limited size and weight that passengers are allowed to take with them into the cabin of an aircraft

baggage allowancetmp1CC4-8_thumb tmp1CC4-9_thumbnoun the weight of baggage each air passenger is allowed to take free o There is an accompanied baggage allowance of 18 kilos.

baggage handlingtmp1CC4-10_thumb tmp1CC4-11_thumbnoun the process by which passengers’ baggage is loaded onto an aircraft, or unloaded and moved to the airport terminal

balancetmp1CC4-12_thumbnoun 1. a state in which weight, force or importance are evenly distributed o The propelling nozzle size is extremely important and must be designed to obtain the correct balance of pressure, temperature and thrust. 2. the act of staying steady ■ verb 1. to be opposite and equal in weight, force or importance to something else o The pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above the level of the bowl balances a column of mercury in the tube. 2. to stay steady, especially when resting on the centre of gravity ‘…balance refers to the location of the centre of gravity along the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane’ [Civil Aviation Authority, General Aviation Safety Sense Leaflet]

balltmp1CC4-13_thumbnoun in an inclinometer, the round object which indicates if a turn is coordinated □ to step on the ball to correct a skid or a slip by putting pressure on the rudder on the side to which the ball in an inclinometer has moved during a turn. If the ball has moved to the left, the turn can be corrected by putting pressure on the left rudder, and vice versa.

balloontmp1CC4-14_thumbnoun a large bag inflatable with hot air or gas to provide lift, but without power o Balloons are sent into the upper atmosphere to collect information useful to meteorologists.

BALPAtmp1CD3-1_thumbabbreviation British Air Line Pilots Association bandtmp1CD3-2_thumbnoun 1. a narrow strip A jet stream is a narrow band of high-altitude strong winds. 2. a range of numbers or frequencies between two limits within a radio system bandwidthtmp1CD3-3_thumbnoun the width of a band of radio frequencies o The sharp setting means the bandwidth is reduced to one kilohertz to minimise noise or interference.

banktmp1CD3-4_thumbverb (of an aircraft) to rotate or roll around its longitudinal axis to a particular angle o Stresses are increased when the aircraft banks, turns or pulls out of a dive. ■ noun (of an aircraft) a rotating or rolling movement around its longitudinal axis to a particular angle o An attitude indicator gives the pilot pitch and bank information. bartmp1CD3-5_thumb‘ noun 1. a long, straight, rigid piece of metal o The part is made from a solid bar of aluminium. 2. (in meteorology) a unit of atmospheric pressure equal to 1,000 millibars. i millibar barographtmp1CD3-6_thumbnoun an instrument for measuring and recording atmospheric pressure o The most common type of barograph is that which utilises an aneroid capsule mechanically connected to a pen.

barometertmp1CD3-7_thumbnoun an instrument for measuring the atmospheric pressure

barometrictmp1CD3-8_thumbadjective referring to a barometer □ barometric pressure atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer

barometric tendency tmp1CD3-9_thumbnoun the amount of change in pressure with increase in altitude

barrel rolltmp1CD3-10_thumbnoun a manoeuvre in which an aircraft turns completely over sideways while flying along

barriertmp1CD3-11_thumbnoun 1. something such as a wall that prevents the movement of something else o Elevation of the ground over which the aircraft flies can be a dangerous barrier to flight. 2. something that prevents a person from making progress His medical problems were a barrier to his successful completion of the course.

basetmp1CD3-12_thumbnoun the bottom part or lowest part ■ verb to develop or develop something from something else o The operation of the auxiliary power unit is based on the gas turbine engine. o The principle of vapour cycle cooling is based upon the ability of a refrigerant to absorb heat.

base legtmp1CD3-13_thumbnoun the part of the airfield traffic circuit flown at approximately 90° to the direction of landing, followed by the final approach. i leg

Basictmp1CD3-14_thumbadjective referring to the most important but often simplest part of something, from which everything else is derived o This chapter provides a basic understanding from which the study of meteorology can develop. □ basic principle a central or fundamental idea or theory basic area navigationtmp1CD3-15_thumb tmp1CD3-16_thumbnoun a standard of performance for navigation that requires an aircraft to remain within 5 nautical miles of the centreline of its course for 95% of the time basistmp1CD3-17_thumbnoun the central and most important part of something from which everything else is derived o The basis of air navigation is the triangle of velocities. (note: The plural form is bases.)

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