Icons Used in This topic (Auto Repair)

This icon points to suggestions or hints that can make a task easier, save you money, help you avoid hassles, or otherwise make your life easier.
This icon indicates information that you may have encountered elsewhere in the topic and need to take into consideration.
This icon appears beside technical information that, although interesting (at least to me), you can skip without risking anything important.
This icon appears beside information that you want to watch out for because it points out events or circumstances that are dangerous or can end up costing you a lot of money.
This icon appears beside rules that you absolutely must follow if you want to achieve success in a particular situation. There aren’t many of them, so pay attention when you do come across them!
This icon appears beside real-life stories that provide a relaxing respite from serious subjects and demonstrate what you should — or should not — do to avoid major trouble or to triumph in difficult situations.

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