<button type="reset" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-
<span class="ui-button-text">Reset</span>
<!-- Other code omitted -->
In Listing 17-42, the changes required are highlighted in bold. First, the $(function(){}) syntax
instructs jQuery to execute the script when the document is ready. Within the function, the birth date
input field (with id birthDate) is decorated using jQuery UI's datepicker() function. Second, various
style class are added to the buttons.
Now reload the page, and you will see the new button style, and when you click the birth date field,
the date picker component will be displayed, as shown in Figure 17-18.
Figure 17-18. Enable jQuery in view
Rich-Text Editing with CKEditor
For the description field of the contact information, we use the Spring MVC's <form:textarea> tag to
support multiline input. Suppose we want to enable rich-text editing, which is a common requirement
for long text inputs such as user comments.
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