Putting String Theory to the Test

In This Topic

Picking the right string theory to test
Disproving string theory may be harder than confirming it
Exploring two types of labs: Nature’s lab and particle accelerators
No matter how impressive string theory is, without experimental W W confirmation, it’s nothing but mathematical speculation. As discussed in topic 4, science is an interplay of theory and experiment. String theory attempts to structure the experimental evidence around a new theoretical framework.
One problem with string theory is that the energy required to get direct evidence for the distinct predictions of the theory is typically so high that it’s very hard to reach. New experimental methods, such as the Large Hadron Collider (described later in this topic), are expanding our ability to test in higher energy ranges, possibly leading to discoveries that more strongly support string theory predictions, such as extra dimensions and super-symmetry. Probing the strings themselves requires massive amounts of energy that are still far away from any experimental exploration.
In this topic, my goal is to look at different ways that string theory can be tested, so it can be either verified or disproved. First, I explain the work that still needs to be done to complete the theory so it can make meaningful predictions. I also cover a number of experimental discoveries that would pose complications for string theory. Then I discuss ways of proving that our universe does contain supersymmetry, a key assumption required by string theory. Finally, I outline the testing apparatus — those created in deep space and particle accelerators created on Earth.

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