The purpose of research and development is to help guide management and organization-wide planning services in decision making at the executive, managerial, and line levels within the law enforcement agencies they serve. The goal is to promote efficient and effective police services through professional planning, problem solving, research, program development, and implementation of police department initiatives.

O. W. Wilson documented the first prescribed role of ”planning and research” in 1950 as studying department needs, implementing policy, directing efforts within the operational areas, and guiding training and performance (Wilson 1950, 1963).

This original ”planning and research” concept has evolved into a more dynamic function called ”research and development.” In police organizations today, the research and development function has expanded through advancements in technology and research methodology. In addition, local, state, and federal government entities have increased their role in supporting police services during the past several decades. These government agencies, such as the Police Executive Research Forum, the National Institute of Justice, the Community Oriented Policing Services Office, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, and state criminal justice departments have provided programs for grants, accreditation, and legislative advocacy.

Civilians perform most of the jobs in research and development. The work done in research and development often requires specialized knowledge and expertise. In addition, most agencies are hiring civilians for administrative positions because it is more cost effective. However, there is also value in rotating some sworn positions in research and development because police officers can bring the street experience to the creative process. It is an excellent site for developing future leaders and managers due to the nature of the work done and the organization-wide perspective gained.

The reporting structure of research and development varies across agencies depending on department size. For example, a small law enforcement agency may not have the capacity to staff an actual bureau (division, department, or unit). Consequently, the assignment of research and development work may be to one person or to several individuals performing multiple jobs throughout the organization. Larger agencies have a formal Research and Development Bureau. The chain of command for research and development typically reports to the deputy chief, division chief of administration, or division director.

An important task of research and development is to identify innovative and effective practices in police work. Overarching the entire research and development process is the role of communicating with and obtaining information from local, state, and federal agencies to identify innovative policing trends in areas such as management, technology, equipment, community programs, and operational tactics. Recommendations resulting from the findings of this department are then given to the chief for consideration. Research and development also supports the chief’s initiatives through researching, planning, and implementing the programs. Again, the ultimate goal is to help develop the organization to improve police services.

The Different Functions of Research and Development

The functions of research and development can be broken into four distinct areas: strategic planning, operations support, production, and research (see Figure 1). The first area identified in the diagram is strategic planning, which involves identifying a short- and long-term plan for the organization. Strategic planning involves the following steps (Kuykendall and Unsinger 1975; Goodstein, Nolan, and Pfeiffer 1993; Mintzberg 1994; Senge 1994):

1. Identifying where the organization is going by identifying the mission, vision, goals, and objectives

2. Conducting a risk analysis that identifies the threates, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of achieving the plans

3. Developing a road map on how to achieve the plan by identifying the tasks, determining who will complete the tasks, and establishing a timeline

Research and Development Responsibilities.

Figure 1 Research and Development Responsibilities.

Strategic planning is an inclusive process that involves people throughout the organization in its development. Research and development facilitates the planning process, monitors its implementation, and documents the results of the goals and objectives. The outcome of strategic planning is a general and flexible ”road map” for the department. However, perhaps even more importantly, the ultimate goal is to develop strategic thinking and performance at all levels of the organization, particularly among management.

The second area of responsibility is operations support. These duties include developing and monitoring policies and procedures, overseeing the accreditation requirements, writing and managing grants, and conducting legislative review.

Consistent, contemporary, and relevant policies and procedures are critical to guiding the department and holding officers to a performance standard. In addition, the policies and procedures protect the department in litigation. In 1979, the establishment of a national accreditation commission for law enforcement occurred in order to establish policy and procedure standards to improve police services. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) is the accrediting authority, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, the National Sheriff’s Association, and the Police Executive Research Forum developed it. CALEA conducts the initial review of the agency’s policies and then conducts a compliance audit every three years to re-accredit an agency. Research and development can manage the ongoing process of updating and reviewing policy standards to ensure compliance with CALEA. If an agency chooses not to be accredited, research and development is still responsible for the ongoing review, revision, and development of policies and procedures. Accreditation bestows an official ”seal of approval” and enhanced credibility on the department’s operations, administration, policies, and procedures.

Grant seeking, writing, and monitoring occur throughout the year. Grant funds are invaluable to an organization because they augment an agency’s general fund and provide extra capacity to develop and implement programs, technology, or equipment.

Legislative review occurs during local, state, and national congressional and legislative sessions to determine if any proposed bills will adversely affect police operations. Research and development reviews the legislative bills as they are proposed. They make recommendations to the chief regarding the pros and cons of endorsing the proposed bills. Additionally, newly enacted federal, state, and local legislation is analyzed and disseminated to ensure that the department and its officers are meeting and enforcing current statutory requirements. Production, the third area of responsibility, involves the writing, reviewing, revising, and ordering of forms and educational material developed and used by the department. This may not apply to all agencies, depending on their philosophy, size, and reporting structure. Police work involves a lot of documentation, such as offense reports, supplemental forms, citations, and specialized forms designed to address specific crime issues, such as domestic violence. Research and development is also in charge of developing tools to communicate with citizens about the police department and their work through annual reports, educational material, and crime prevention information.

The fourth area of research and development reflects its namesake, ”research.” The contributions during the past several decades from universities, colleges, and police practitioners have broadened the knowledge, methodology, and utility of applied research. Due to these developments, the research arm has evolved into more than just ”researching the latest innovation.” Research and development conducts applied social science research, policy analysis, program evaluation, and organizational problem solving and performance evaluation. The bureau also collaborates with universities and colleges on police studies.

Action research is the study of policing in the field by developing and using research tools, such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews, that provide expedient information. Policy and systems analysis provides information to understand the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Policy analysis is very similar to program evaluation, which assesses the process, outcome, cost/benefit, and cost effectiveness of implementing a program, but policy analysis also forecasts policy options (Guess and Farnham 2000). Systems analysis studies the processes and outcomes of each police function to determine how proficient and successful they work within their area and across functions in the department. The objective of these types of program analyses is to identify obstacles and develop strategies to achieve high performance (Wholey, Newcomer, and Associates 1989).

Measuring police accountability and organizational performance started with the initiative of ”Measuring What Matters” by the National Institute of Justice in the 1990s. Accountability measures ensure the review of department performance and offer the organization information to assess its strengths and needs to improve service delivery.

Technology has transformed the world of crime analysis. Initially, police officers tracked crime patterns using pushpins to identify events on a city map. Nowadays, sophisticated software programs conduct spatial analyses of crime events and map predictive patterns of criminal predators. Tactical crime data informs officers of emerging risks, patterns, and suspects. Selected crime and call-for-service data shared with the public helps the community to better protect itself through target hardening, neighborhood watch groups, and cooperation with the police. Technology has also enhanced research and development’s ability to communicate and identify what is termed ”best practices” in policing through e-mail and the Internet. Publishing research findings also promotes information sharing.


The responsibilities of research and development have evolved during the past fifty years. This important administrative function supports police service delivery and practices to promote organizational learning and development. Research and development is the hub for assisting the chief, his or her staff, and all members in developing an efficient, effective, and progressive police department.

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