Other Interesting Equipment (Laboratory Manual)

An early edition of this topic illustrated some equipment specific to the State University of New York at Buffalo, since that’s where I was when I wrote it. It’s now a few years later, and I realize that you can’t make a comprehensive list.

Buffalo has an unusual "pear-shaped distilling flask" that I’ve not seen elsewhere. The University of Connecticut equipment list contains a "Bobbitt Filter Clip" that few other schools have picked up.

So if you are disappointed that I don’t have a list and drawing of every single piece of equipment in your drawer, I apologize. Only the most common organic lab equipment is covered here. Ask your instructor "Whattizz it?" if you do not know.

I assume that you remember Erlenmeyer flasks, and beakers and such from the freshman lab. I’ll discuss the other apparatus as it comes up in the various techniques. This might force you to read this topic before you start lab.

Check out Fig. 30. Not all the mysterious doodads in your laboratory drawer are shown, but the more important are.

Some stuff from your lab drawer.

Fig. 30 Some stuff from your lab drawer.

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