Part 2 (Nikon D300s)

In this part

This part of the topic details the myriad ways you can manipulate exposure, focus, and color to capture an image as you see it in your mind’s eye. And don’t think that you have to be a genius or spend years to be successful — adding just a few simple techniques to your photographic repertoire can make a huge difference in how happy you are with the pictures you take.
Chapter 5 helps you master exposure, from choosing the right exposure mode to getting better flash results. Chapter 6 delves into focus and color, covering the ins and outs of the camera’s autofocusing options, white balance, color spaces, and more. Following that, Chapter 7 helps you draw together all the information presented earlier in the topic, summarizing the best camera settings and other tactics to use when capturing portraits, action shots, landscapes, and close-up shots.

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