A metallic element (symbol Na and atomic weight 23), sodium occurs naturally only in the form of its salts. The most important mineral containing sodium is the chloride, NaCl, which is common salt. It also occurs as the nitrate, Chile saltpeter, as a borate in borax, and as a fluoride and a sulfate. When pure, sodium is silvery white and ductile, and it melts at 97.8°C and boils at 882°C. The specific gravity is 0.97. It can be obtained in metallic form by the electrolysis of salt. When exposed to the air, it oxidizes rapidly, and it must therefore be kept in airtight containers. It has a high affinity for oxygen, and it decomposes water violently. It also combines directly with the halogens, and is a good reducing agent for the metal chlorides. Sodium is one of the best conductors of electricity and heat.

The metal is a powerful desulfurizer of iron and steel even in combination. For this purpose it may be used in the form of soda ash pellets or in alloys. Desulfurizing alloys for brasses and bronzes are sodium-tin, with 95% tin and 5% sodium, or sodium-copper. Sodium-lead, used for adding sodium to alloys, contains 10% sodium, and is marketed as small spheroidal shot. It is also marketed as sodium marbles, which are spheres of pure sodium up to 2.54 cm in diameter coated with oil to reduce handling hazard. Sodium bricks contain 50% sodium metal powder dispersed in a paraffin binder. They can be handled in the air, and are a source of active sodium. Sodium in combination with potassium is used as a heat-exchange fluid in reactors and high-temperature processing equipment. A sodium-potassium alloy, containing 56% sodium and 44% potassium, has a melting point of 19°C and a boiling point of 825°C. It is a silvery mobile liquid. High-surface sodium is sodium metal absorbed on common salt, alumina, or activated carbon to give a large surface area for use in the reduction of metals or in hydrocarbon refining. Common salt will adsorb up to 10% of its weight of sodium in a thin film on its surface, and this sodium is 100% available for chemical reaction. It is used in reducing titanium tetrachloride to titanium metal. Sodium vapor is used in electric lamps. When the vapor is used with a fused alumina tube it gives a golden-white color. A 400-W lamp produces 42,000 lumens and retains 85% of its efficiency after 6000 h.

Inorganic Reactions

Sodium reacts rapidly with water, and even with snow and ice, to give sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. The reaction liberates sufficient heat to melt the sodium and ignite the hydrogen.

When exposed to air, freshly cut sodium metal loses its silvery appearance and becomes dull gray because of the formation of a coating of sodium oxide. Sodium probably oxidizes to the peroxide, Na2O2, which reacts with excess sodium present to give the monoxide, Na2O. When sodium reacts with oxygen at elevated temperatures, sodium superoxide, NaO2, is formed; this reacts with more sodium to form the peroxide.

Sodium does not react with nitrogen, even at very high temperatures. Sodium and hydrogen react above about 200°C to form sodium hydroxide. This compound decomposes at about 400°C and cannot be melted. Sodium hydride can be formed by the direct reaction of hydrogen and molten sodium or by hydrogenating dispersions of sodium metal in hydrocarbons. Sodium reacts with carbon with difficulty, if at all, and this reaction may be said to have been adequately studied.

At room temperature fluorine and sodium ignite, dry chlorine and sodium react slightly, bromine and sodium do not react, and iodine and sodium do not react. However, in the presence of moisture or at elevated temperatures all reactions take place at very high rates.

Sodium reacts with ammonia, forming sodium amide and liberating hydrogen. The reaction may be carried out between molten sodium and gaseous ammonia (-30°C) in the presence of catalysts of finely divided metals. Sodium reacts with ammonia in the presence of coke to form sodium cyanide.

Carbon monoxide reacts with sodium, but the resulting carbonyl, NaCO, is stable only at liquid ammonia temperatures. At high temperatures sodium carbide and sodium carbonate are formed from carbon monoxide and sodium.

The reactions of sodium with various metal halides to give the metal plus sodium chloride are very important. Thus, titanium tetrachloride is reduced to titanium metal. Similarly, the halides of zirconium, beryllium, and thorium can be reduced to the corresponding metals by sodium. The interaction between sodium and potassium chloride is used in the commercial production of potassium metal.

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, is also commonly known as caustic soda, and also as sodium hydrate. Lye is an old name used in some industries and in household uses. It readily absorbs water from the atmosphere and must be protected in storage and handling. It is corrosive to the skin and must be handled with extreme care to avoid caustic burns.

Most sodium hydroxide is produced by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions in one of several types of electrolytic cells. An older proces is the soda-lime process whereby soda ash is converted to caustic soda.

Organic Reactions

Sodium does not react with paraffin hydrocarbons but does form additional compounds with naphthalene and other polycyclic aromatic compounds and with arylated alkenes. It reacts with acetylene, replacing the acetylenic hydrogens to form sodium acetylides. Sodium adds to dienes, the reaction which forms the basis of the buna synthetic rubber process.

Principal Compounds

Sodium compounds are widely used in industry, particularly sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, and soda ash. Sodium bichromate, Na2Cr2O72H2O, a red crystalline powder, is used in leather tanning, textile dyeing, wood preservation, and in pigments. Sodium meta-vandate, NaVO3, is used as a corrosion inhibitor to protect some chemical-processing piping. It dissolves in hot water, and a small amount in the water forms a tough impervious coating of magnetic iron oxide on the walls of the pipe. Sodium iodide crystals are used as scintillation probes for the detection and analysis of nuclear energies. Sodium oxalate is used as an antienzyme to retard tooth decay. In the drug industry sodium is used to compound with pharmaceuticals to make them water-soluble salts. Sodium is a plentiful element, easily available, and is one of the most widely used.

Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, is best known under the name soda ash because sodiurn carbonate occurs in (and once was extracted from) plant ashes. Most sodium carbonate is produced by the Solvay or ammonia-soda process. In an initial reaction, salt is converted to sodium carbonate, which precipitates and is then separated.

Some soda ash is made synthetically by the Solvay process although an increasing amount is obtained from lake brines. Commercial grades of soda ash are available as 48% (Na2O) light and dense and as 58% (Na2O) light and dense; light and dense refers to apparent bulk density. Ordinary 48 to 58% grades are available in either light or dense but contain NaCl, which may affect certain ceramic uses. A 48% special grade is available in granular and extra light forms; it contains Na2SO4. The material derived from natural sources is almost NaCl-free.

About one half of the total American soda ash production is used as a fluxing ingredient by the glass industry. The quality of soda ash in glass batches varies with the type of glass being made.

Sodium sulfate, Na2SO4, is also known in the anhydrous form as salt cake. The decahy-drate, Na2SO410H2O, is known as glauber salt.

Most sodium sulfate is produced synthetically as a by-product or coproduct in various industries.

Sodium aluminate, Na2OAl2O3, whose melting point is 1650°C, is soluble in water and er\Hiiim CQrhrmQtA *vr\Hinm QlnmiriQta h^c fr\iir»r1 use as a settling-up agent for acid-resistant enamel. It is prepared by heating together bauxite and slips. When used in this capacity, it affords easier control of the slip than can be obtained by the use of alum or sulfuric acid, because of its tendency to stabilize the mobility and yield values. Sodium aluminate is also used as a substitute for sodium silicate and sodium carbonate in pottery slips.

Sodium antimonate (sodium meta-anti-monate), Na2OSb2O50.5H2O, is a white powder insoluble in water and fruit acids. Sodium anti-monate is extremely stable at high temperatures and does not decompose below 1427°C. It is usually made from antimony oxide, caustic soda, and sodium nitrate. Sodium antimonate is used as the principal opacifier in dry-process enamel frits for cast iron sanitaryware and in some of the acid-resistant enamel frits for sheet steel. It is used in cast iron enamels; sodium antimonate is generally recognized as being more desirable than antimony trioxide.

Sodium cyanide is a salt of hydrocyanic acid of the composition NaCN, used for carbonizing steel for case hardening, for heat-treating baths, for electroplating, and for the extraction of gold and silver from their ores. For carburizing steel it is preferred to potassium cyanide because of its lower cost and its higher content of available carbon. It contains 53% CN, as compared with 40% in potassium cyanide. The nitrogen also aids in forming the hard case on the steel. The 30% grade of sodium cyanide, melting at 679°C, is used for heat-treating baths instead of lead, but it forms a slight case on the steel. Sodium cyanide is very unstable, and on exposure to moist air liberates the highly poisonous hydrocyanic acid gas, HCN. For gold and silver extraction it easily combines with the metals, forming soluble double salts, NaAu(CN)2. Sodium cyanide is made by passing a stream of nitrogen gas over a hot mixture of sodium carbonate and carbon in the presence of a catalyst. It is a white crystalline powder, soluble in water. The white copper cyanide used in electroplating has the composition Cu2(CN)2, containing 70% copper. It melts at 474.5°C and is insoluble in water, but is soluble in sodium cyanide solution. Sodium ferrocya-nide, or yellow prussiate of soda, is a lemon-yellow crystalline solid of the composition

Na4Fe(CN)610H2O, used for carbonizing steel for case hardening. It is also employed in paints, in printing inks, and for the purification of organic acids; in minute quantities, it is used in salt to make it free-flowing. It is soluble in water. Calcium cyanide in powder or granulated forms is used as an insecticide. It liberates 25% of hydrocyanic acid gas.

Sodium nitrate (soda niter), NaNO3, with a melting point of 208°C, decomposes at 380°C and is soluble. Sodium nitrate is used in enamel frits in quantities of 2 to 8%. It is highly important that sufficient nitrate be present in enamels to prevent reduction of any easily reducible compounds in the batch, especially lead or antimony compounds. The function of sodium nitrate in glass is to oxidize organic matter that may contaminate batch materials, to prevent reduction of some of the batch constituents, to help maintain colors, and to speed the melt. It is the lowest melting of all glassmaking materials. Common applications of sodium nitrate are to ensure the pink color of manganese oxide and to prevent reductions of lead in potash lead glasses.

Sodium nitrite, NaNO2, is soluble in water. It is prepared from sodium nitrate by reduction with lead. Sodium nitrite has been used for some years as a mill addition, or as an addition after milling, to enamel ground coats to prevent rust while drying, and also as a setting-up agent. More recently, sodium nitrite has been used rather generally in cover coats to correct for tearing.

Sodium phosphate, Na2HPO412H2O, has a melting point of 346°C and is soluble in water. Sodium phosphate has been recently added to glass batches, producing an opal glass of unusual properties. Three other forms of the phosphate are available — monobasic, tribasic, and pyro-phosphate. The last is most adaptable because it melts at 970°C in the anhydrous form. It is derived by the fusion of disodium phosphate.

Sodium silicate, Na2OxSiO2, is commonly made by melting sand and soda ash in a rever-beratory furnace. Various proportions of the two ingredients are used and widely divergent characteristics result. The most alkaline liquid silicate made by this furnace process has a ratio of 1Na2O:1.6SiO2 and the most siliceous liquid grade has a ratio of 1Na2O:3.75SiO2.


The largest single use for sodium metal, accounting for about 60% of total production, is in the synthesis of tetraethyllead, an antiknock agent for automotive gasolines.

A second major use is in the reduction of animal and vegetable oils to long-chain fatty alcohols; these alcohols are raw materials for detergent manufacture. This use has been decreasing in favor of production of such alcohols by high-pressure catalytic hydrogenation.

Another major use is in the reduction of titanium and zirconium halides to the respective metals. Here the use of sodium is increasing at the expense of magnesium as the preferred reducing agent in such operations.

Sodium metal is also used in making sodium hydride, sodium amide, and sodium cyanide. It is also used in the synthesis of "isos-ebacic acid." The use of liquid sodium metal as a heat-transfer agent in nuclear reactors is also becoming increasingly important.

Sodium chloride is used in the manufacture of sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, and sodium metal. In sodium sulfate manufacture, hydrogen chloride is the coproduct; in metallic sodium manufacture, chlorine gas is the coproduct.

Rock salt is used in curing fish, in meat packing, in curing hides, and in making freezing mixtures. Food preparation, including canning and preserving, consumes much salt. Table salt accounts for only a small percentage of sodium chloride consumption, most of it going into the industrial uses outlined above.

Sodium hydroxide is perhaps the most important industrial alkali. Its major use is in the manufacture of chemicals, about 30% attributed to this category. The next major use is the manufacture of cellulose film and rayon, both of which proceed through soda cellulose (the reaction product of sodium hydroxide and cellulose); this accounts for about 25% of the total caustic soda production. Soap manufacture, petroleum refining, and pulp and paper manufacture each account for a little less than 10% of total sodium hydroxide use.

Sodium carbonate finds its major use in the glass industry, which takes about one third of total production. Approximately another third goes into the manufacture of soap, detergents, and various cleansers. The manufacture of paper and textiles, nonferrous metals, and petroleum products accounts for much of the balance.

The major consumer of sodium sulfate (salt cake) is the kraft pulp industry. Increasing quantities of sodium sulfate are used in the manufacture of flat glass. Other uses of salt cake are in detergents, ceramics, mineral stock feeds, and pharmaceuticals.

In the area of biological activity, the sodium ion (Na+) is the main positive ion present in extracellular fluids and is essential for maintenance of the osmotic pressure and of the water and electrolytic balances of body fluids.

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