Connecting to the Internet, Bluetooth Devices, and iPhones/iPods

In this chapter, you explore how to connect your iPhone to the Internet and to other iPhones and iPod touches. Topics include the following:

Connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi or wireless cellular networks
Connecting to other devices using Bluetooth
Connecting to other iPhones and iPod touches

Your iPhone has many functions that rely on an Internet con-nection,with the most obvious being email,web browsing, and so on. However, many default and third-party applications rely on an Internet connection to work as well. Fortunately, you can connect your iPhone to the Internet by connecting it to a Wi-Fi network that provides Internet access.You can also connect to the Internet through a wireless network provided by your cell phone provider.
Using Bluetooth, you can wirelessly connect your iPhone to other devices, such as Bluetooth headsets, headphones, and so on.
With peer-to-peer applications, you can also connect your iPhone to other iPhones and iPod touches to create a local network to exchange information, play games, and so on.

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