Hypermetamorphosis (Insects)

Hypermetamorphosis is a form of complete insect metamorphosis or holometaboly in which at least one of the instars in the life cycle differs considerably from the others. The term heteromorphosis, preferred by some entomologists, carries a degree of ambiguity in that it also refers to the relatively minor differences characterizing consecutive instars in virtually all insects, as well as to the phenomenon of organ replacement following mutilation. Hypermetamorphosis is most common in parasitoids, where it usually is the first instar that deviates structurally and behaviorally from the others. In some groups one or more of the subsequent instars also are distinctive. In the same way that holometabolous development allows a division of function between the larva and adult insect, hypermetamorphosis can be viewed as an exaggerated form of holometaboly characterized by additional division of function within the larval stage.



Two broad categories of hypermetamorphosis can be recognized in insects. In the most widespread form, there is a decoupling of oviposition site and the larval food; in the other, the oviposition and larval feeding sites are identical. For convenience, these can be referred to as type I and type II hypermetamorphosis, respectively.
Type I adult females do not oviposit directly at the larval feeding site; instead, the first instars must find the food source. Such larvae are active, slender, and well-sclerotized (Fig. 1A); they are further characterized by their ability to exist for a considerable time without nourishment and without becoming desiccated. Depending on the group, the first instar may attain the feeding site by direct searching, or indirectly by phoresy, in which it is carried to its food usually by the host itself. Once on the larval food, the first instar begins feeding, and subsequently molts into a grublike and less mobile larva (Fig. 1B). Phoretic larvae are commonly equipped with elongate caudal cerci and a terminal suction process (or pygopod), which allows them to stand erect, thus facilitating contact with passing hosts. Although comparative studies are few, hypermetamorphic taxa seem to be more fecund than nonhypermetamorphic relatives. This apparent difference is attributed to the reduced likelihood of larvae finding suitable hosts. Two general characteristics of adult females with this form of development are the absence of a well-developed ovipositor and the laying of eggs in masses rather than one at a time.
Type I hypermetamorphosis is found in the Strepsiptera (all groups), Neuroptera (Mantispidae), Coleoptera (several families), Diptera (Nemestrinidae, Acroceridae, most Bombyliidae, some Tachinidae), Hymenoptera (Perilampidae, Eucharitidae, some Ichneumonidae), and Lepidoptera (Epipyropidae).
Although there is some inconsistency in usage, the active first instar in type I hypermetamorphic taxa has generally been referred to as a triungulin or triungulinid if it has legs (Neuroptera, Coleoptera,
Larvae of Meloe dianellus (Coleoptera: Meloidae) illustrating the four types of meloid larvae: (A) first instar (planidium with legs), (B) first grub (fifth instar), (C) coarctate (sixth instar), and (D) second grub (seventh instar). Natural lengths: (A) 2 mm, (B-D) 7-10mm. [From Pinto, J., and Selander, R. (1970).
FIGURE 1 Larvae of Meloe dianellus (Coleoptera: Meloidae) illustrating the four types of meloid larvae: (A) first instar (planidium with legs), (B) first grub (fifth instar), (C) coarctate (sixth instar), and (D) second grub (seventh instar). Natural lengths: (A) 2 mm, (B-D) 7-10mm. [From Pinto, J., and Selander, R. (1970).
Strepsiptera, Lepidoptera; Fig. 1A), or as a planidium if it is legless (Diptera, Hymenoptera; Fig. 2A). However, triungulin is an inappropriate term for most of the groups it is applied to. Usage stems from the fact that the first instar of Meloe (Coleoptera: Meloidae), the first hypermetamorphic group studied, has trident-shaped claws. Such claw structure does not occur in other hypermetamorphic families and is uncommon in the Meloidae itself. Thus, planidium, signifying "little wanderer," although usually restricted to the larvae of Hymenoptera and Diptera, is perhaps more appropriately applied to all type I first instars. This usage is followed here and was adopted by R. E. Snodgrass in his 1954 review of insect metamorphosis.
In type II hypermetamorphosis the oviposition and larval feeding sites do not differ. In these insects the first instar (sometimes the second as well) has a distinctive morphology (Fig. 2B-2E) compared with the relatively simple and often amorphous subsequent instars (Fig. 2F), but these modifications are associated with functions other than host finding. The adaptive significance attributed to the often bizarre larvae of type II hypermetamorphic groups includes locomotion, protection and combat, ingestion, and respiration. This type of development occurs in several families of parasitic Hymenoptera and in the dipteran family Cryptochetidae (Cryptochetum). Correlated with the greater possibilities of larval function, the morphology of type II first instars is considerably more variable than that found in type I taxa.
Reviews by Clausen and Hagen identified 12 structural forms of first instars in the parasitic Hymenoptera with type II hypermetamor-phosis. The generalized type in nonhypermetamorphic species (and in hypermetamorphic species as well after the first instar) is referred to as hymenopteriform. It is ovoid or fusiform and relatively featureless (Fig. 2F). Examples of deviations in hypermetabolic groups include the following. The caudate type has a taillike prolongation of the terminal segment and is found in many Ichneumonoidea and Chalcidoidea (Fig. 2C). It is believed to be an adaptation for locomotion within the host and/or food absorption. The mandibulate and
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Only the Mantispidae have true hypermetamorphosis. Most of the species feed on spider eggs associated with a single egg sac. The first instar either enters a previously constructed egg sac or attaches onto a female spider and enters the sac as she constructs it. Other species feed on the larvae of various aculeate Hymenoptera. Several of these are phoretic and reach the food source by attaching to the adult bee or wasp.


The only lepidopteran family with hypermetamorphosis is the Epipyropidae. This group is parasitic on various Homoptera, a unique association for the generally phytophagous Lepidoptera. The active first instar seeks out a host and the grublike instars that follow occur on the body of a single homopteran.


Hypermetamorphosis occurs in several families of beetles. Most are parasitoids of other insects. The larvae of Bothrideridae, and a few Carabidae and Staphylinidae, attack the larvae or pupae of other coleopterans or dipterans. The genus Sandalus (Rhipiceridae) feeds on cicada nymphs. All are hypermetamorphic to some degree, with active and relatively long-legged planidia followed by short-legged, grublike feeding instars.
Hypermetamorphosis perhaps is best known in the Meloidae and Rhipiphoridae. Most meloids parasitize grasshopper eggs or, more commonly, the larvae and provisions of soil- or wood-nesting bees. The planidia of several groups are phoretic on adults of their hymenopteran host. There are four distinctive larval types in the typical meloid life cycle: planidium, first grub, coarctate, and second grub (Fig. 1). The planidium (Fig. 1A) encounters the food source. The first grub (Fig. 1B), consisting of four instars, is the primary feeding stage. The coarc-tate (Fig. 1C), a quiescent instar, is adapted for overwintering or aestivation. The second grub (Fig. 1D) is a nonfeeding instar that precedes pupation. Each has a distinct phenotype, the most unusual being the immobile coarctate with its thick, highly sclerotized cuticle, aborted appendages, closed mouth and anus, and vestigial musculature.
The Rhipiphoridae include parasitoids of immature Hymenoptera (Rhipiphorinae) and Blattodea (Rhipidiinae). The planidia of Rhipiphorinae are phoretic on adults of their host. After being carried to the host nesting cells, they burrow into the body of the host larva, eventually molting into a grub that emerges to feed externally. The planidia of Rhipidiinae attach directly to their cockroach host and eventually molt into a legless and amorphous larva, which enters the host to feed. The last instar regains poorly developed legs, exits the host, and moves away for pupation.
Among nonparasitoid groups of Coleoptera, hypermetamorpho-sis is known to occur in one genus of Eucnemidae (Rhacopus) and in the Micromalthidae. The larvae of both groups feed in decaying wood and have a planidial-like first instar. The single species of Micromalthidae, Micromalthus debilis, has perhaps the most complicated life cycle known in insects, with several distinct morphological and reproductive types of larvae. Hypermetamorphosis has also been reported in the Megalopodidae.


The Strepsiptera parasitize Thysanura, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera. The free-living planidium encounters the host. If parasitic on a hemimetabolous host, the larva may immediately penetrate its body and develop. Those parasitizing Hymenoptera are phoretic and are carried to the nesting site, where the immature stages are attacked. The planidium molts into an endoparasitic legless grublike larva, which may have several instars. This secondary larva lacks mouthparts and feeds by diffusion through the cuticle. Male Strepsiptera are free living; females are neotenic and most remain on their host.


Hypermetamorphosis is known in the Acroceridae, Nemestrinidae, most Bombyliidae, and some Tachinidae. All have legless, well-sclerotized, and active planida that search for the host, followed by soft-bodied maggotlike larvae. The Acroceridae are internal parasitoids of spiders. The Nemestrinidae are endoparasites of grasshoppers and beetles. The Bombyliidae are parasitoids of immature Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, and Diptera; some prey on grasshopper eggs. They are either endo- or ectoparasitic.


A legless planidial larva (Fig. 2A) is known in three families of Hymenoptera: Perilampidae, Eucharitidae, and Ichneumonidae (Euceros). It is followed by a soft-bodied, relatively immobile larva. The Eucharitidae are endoparasitic on mature larvae or pupae of ants and are phoretic. Eggs are laid on vegetation. The planidia of
most groups attach to worker ants and are carried to the nest, where they transfer to larvae for feeding. The Perilampidae is a closely related family, similar bionomically to the Eucharitidae but known to parasitize several orders of insects. In the Ichneumonidae, the pla-nidium of E. frigidus attaches to the integument of sawfly larvae and eventually transfers to feed on the larva of other ichneumonid species that are primar

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