Linear Transformation and Covariance Propagation (GPS Observation Equations and Equivalence Properties)

For any linear equation system


a linear transformation can be defined as a multiplying operation of matrix T to Eq. 6.39, i.e.,


where T is called the linear transformation matrix and has a dimension of k x m. An inverse transformation of T is denoted bytmp2A1066_thumbAn invertible linear transformation does not change the property (and solutions) of the original linear equations. This may be verified by multiplyingtmp2A1067_thumbto Eq. 6.40. A non-invertible linear transformation is called a rank deficient (or not full rank) transformation.

The covariance matrix of L is denoted by cov(L) or QLL (cf. Sect. 6.2); then the co-variance of the transformed L (i.e., TL) can be obtained by covariance propagation theorem by (cf., e.g., Koch 1988)


where superscript T denotes the transpose of the transformation matrix.

If transformation matrix T is a vector (i.e., k =1) and L is an inhomogeneous and independent observable vector (i.e., covariance matrixtmp2A1071_thumbis a diagonal matrix with elements oftmp2A1072_thumbis the variance (tmp2A1073_thumbis called standard deviation) of the observable lj), then Eqs. 6.40 and 6.41 can be written as


Denoting cov(TL) astmp2A1078_thumbone gets


Equation 6.43 is called the error propagation theorem. 6.5

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