State Space Linearization (GPS)

Navigation system analysis, and portions of the implementation, involve linearization of a system about a nominal trajectory. This section explains the linearization process.

Let the state space model for a system with input u and output y be described by


Assume that for a nominal inputtmp20-764_thumba nominal state trajectorytmp20-765_thumbis known which satisfies


Define the error state vector as




We can approximate f (x, u) using a Taylor series expansion to yield


wheretmp20-772_thumbThe resultant perturbation to the system outputtmp20-773_thumbis


wheretmp20-777_thumbBy dropping the higher-order terms (h.o.t’s), eqns. (3.32) and (3.33) provide the time-varying linearization of the nonlinear system: tmp20-779_thumb

which is accurate near the nominal trajectory (i.e., for smalltmp20-780_thumband tmp20-781_thumb

Applications of eqns. (3.34) and (3.35) are common in navigation applications. For example, the GPS range equations include the distance from the satellite broadcast antenna effective position to the receiver antenna effective position. When the satellite position is known and the objective is to estimate the receiver location, the GPS measurement is nonlinear with the generic form of eqn. (3.31), but frequently solved via linearization.The following example illustrates the basic state space linearization process.

Example 3.9 Assume that there is a true system that follows the kinematic equationtmp20-782_thumb and tmp20-786_thumb

For this system, the variables [n, e] defined the position vector, ^ is the yaw angle of the vehicle relative to north,, u is the body frame forward velocity, andtmp20-787_thumbis the yaw rate. Also, assume that two sensors are available that provide measurements modeled as


A very simple dead-reckoning navigation system can be designed by integration oftmp20-790_thumbfrom some initialtmp20-791_thumbwheretmp20-792_thumb

tmp20-793_thumbThe resulting dead-reckoning system state,tmp20-794_thumb will be used as the reference trajectory for the linearization process. The navigation system equation can be simplified as follows:


The first order (i.e., linearized) dynamics of the error between the actual and navigation states are


wheretmp20-802_thumbTo derive this linearized model, the function f in eqn. (3.36) is expanded using Taylor series. Then eqn. (3.37) is subtracted from the Taylor series expansion of eqn.. (3.36) to yield eqn. (3.38).A

Error state dynamic equations enable quantitative analysis of the error state itself. Later, the linearized error state equations will be used in the design of Kalman filters to estimate the error state.

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