Illumination Modeling for Face Recognition (Face Image Modeling and Representation) Part 2

Properties of the Convolution Kernel

The Funk-Hecke theorem implies that when producing the reflectance function, r , the amplitude of the light, I, at every order n is scaled by a factor that depends only on the convolution kernel, k. We can use this to infer analytically what frequencies dominate r. To achieve this, we treat I as a signal and k as a filter and ask how the amplitudes of I change as it passes through the filter.

The harmonic expansion of the Lambertian kernel (7.11) can be derived [6] yielding



From left to right: the first 11 coefficients of the Lambertian kernel; the relative energy captured by each of the coefficients; and the cumulative energy

Fig. 7.2 From left to right: the first 11 coefficients of the Lambertian kernel; the relative energy captured by each of the coefficients; and the cumulative energy

The first few coefficients, for example, are


tmpdece564_thumbapproaches zero astmpdece565_thumbA    graphic    representation  of the coefficients may be seen in Fig. 7.2.

The energy captured by every harmonic term is measured commonly by the square of its respective coefficient divided by the total squared energy of the transformed function. The total squared energy in the half cosine function is given by


(Here, we simplify our computation by integrating over θ and φ rather than u. The sin θ factor is needed to account for the varying length of the latitude over the sphere.) Figure 7.2 shows the relative energy captured by each of the first several coefficients. It can be seen that the kernel is dominated by the first three coefficients. Thus, a second-order approximation already accounts fortmpdece569_thumb 99.22% of the energy. With this approximation, the half cosine function can be written as:


The quality of the approximation improves somewhat with the addition of the fourth order term (99.81%) and deteriorates to 87.5% when a first order approximation is used. Figure 7.3 shows a one-dimensional slice of the Lambertian kernel and its various approximations.

A slice of the Lambertian kernel (solid line) and its approximations (dashed line) of first (left), second (middle), and fourth (right) order

Fig. 7.3 A slice of the Lambertian kernel (solid line) and its approximations (dashed line) of first (left), second (middle), and fourth (right) order

Approximating the Reflectance Function

Because the Lambertian kernel, k, acts as a low-pass filter, the high frequency components of the lighting have little effect on the reflectance function. This implies that we can approximate the reflectance function that occurs under any lighting conditions using only low-order spherical harmonics. In this section, we show that this leads to an approximation that is always quite accurate.

We achieve a low-dimensional approximation to the reflectance function by truncating the sum in (7.13). That is, we have:


for some choice of order N. This means considering only the effects of the low order components of the lighting on the reflectance function. Intuitively, we know that because kn is small for large n, this approximation should be good. However, the accuracy of the approximation also depends on lnm, the harmonic expansion of the lighting.

To evaluate the quality of the approximation, consider first, as an example, lighting,tmpdece574_thumbgenerated by a unit directional (distant point) source at the z direction tmpdece575_thumbIn this case the lighting is simply a delta function whose peak is at the north poletmpdece576_thumbIt    can    be    readily    shown    that


If the sphere is illuminated by a single directional source in a direction other than the z direction, the reflectance obtained would be identical to the kernel but shifted in phase. Shifting the phase of a function distributes its energy between the harmonics of the same order n (varying m), but the overall energy in each n is maintained. The quality of the approximation therefore remains the same, but now for an Nth order approximation we need to use all the harmonics with n < N for all m. Recall that there are 2n + 1 harmonics in every order n. Consequently, a first-order approximation requires four harmonics. A second-order approximation adds five more harmonics, yielding a 9D space. The third-order harmonics are eliminated by the kernel, so they do not need to be included. Finally, a fourth order approximation adds nine more harmonics, yielding an 18D space.

We have seen that the energy captured by the first few coefficientstmpdece581_thumb directly indicates the accuracy of the approximation of the reflectance function when the light consists of a single point source. Other light configurations may lead to different accuracy. Better approximations are obtained when the light includes enhanced diffuse components of low frequency. Worse approximations are anticipated if the light includes mainly high frequency patterns.

However, even if the light includes mostly high frequency patterns the accuracy of the approximation is still high. This is a consequence of the nonnegativity of light. A lower bound on the accuracy of the approximation for any light function is given by


(Proof appears in Basri and Jacobs [6].)

It can be shown that using a second order approximation (involving nine harmonics) the accuracy of the approximation for any light function exceeds 97.96%. With a fourth order approximation (involving 18 harmonics) the accuracy exceeds 99.48%. Note that the bound computed in (7.20) is not tight, as the case that all the higher order terms are saturated yields a function with negative values. Consequently, the worst case accuracy may even be higher than the bound.

Generating Harmonic Reflectances

Constructing a basis to the space that approximates the reflectance functions is straightforward: We can simply use the low order harmonics as a basis (see (7.18)). However, in many cases we want a basis vector for the nm component of the reflectances to indicate the reflectance produced by a corresponding basis vector describing the lighting, Ynm. This makes it easy for us to relate reflectances and lighting, which is important when we want to enforce the constraint that the reflectances arise from nonnegative lighting (see Sect. 7.7.1). We call these reflectances harmonic reflectances and denote them by rnm .Using the Funk-Hecke theorem, rnm is given by


Then, following (7.18),


The first few harmonic reflectances are given by


From Reflectances to Images

Up to this point, we have analyzed the reflectance functions obtained by illuminating a unit albedo sphere by arbitrary light. Our objective is to use this analysis to represent efficiently the set of images of objects seen under varying illumination. An image of an object under certain illumination conditions can be constructed from the respective reflectance function in a simple way: Each point of the object inherits its intensity from the point on the sphere whose normal is the same. This intensity is further scaled by its albedo.

We can write this explicitly as follows. Let pi denote the ith object point. Let ni denote the surface normal at Pi, and let Pi denote the albedo of Pi. Let the illumination be expanded with the coefficients lnm (7.10). Then the image, Ii of Pi is




Then any image is a linear combination of harmonic images, bnm, of the form




Figure 7.4 shows the first nine harmonic images derived from a 3D model of a face.

We now discuss how the accuracy of our low dimensional linear approximation to a model’s images can be affected by the mapping from the reflectance function to images. The accuracy of our low dimensional linear approximation can vary according to the shape and albedos of the object. Each shape is characterized by a different distribution of surface normals, and this distribution may significantly differ from the distribution of normals on the sphere. Viewing direction also affects this distribution, as all normals facing away from the viewer are not visible in the image. Albedo further affects the accuracy of our low dimensional approximation, as it may scale each pixel by a different amount. In the worst case, this can make our approximation arbitrarily poor. For many objects, it is possible to illuminate the object by lighting configurations that produce images for which low order harmonic representations provide a poor approximation.

 First nine harmonic images for a model of a face. The top row contains the zeroth harmonic (left) and the three first order harmonic images (right). The second row shows the images derived from the second harmonics. Negative values are shown in black, positive values in white

Fig. 7.4 First nine harmonic images for a model of a face. The top row contains the zeroth harmonic (left) and the three first order harmonic images (right). The second row shows the images derived from the second harmonics. Negative values are shown in black, positive values in white

However, generally, things are not so bad. In general, occlusion renders an arbitrary half of the normals on the unit sphere invisible. Albedo variations and curvature emphasize some normals and deemphasize others. In general, though, the normals whose reflectances are poorly approximated are not emphasized more than any other reflectances, and we can expect our approximation of reflectances on the entire unit sphere to be about as good over those pixels that produce the intensities visible in the image.

The following argument shows that the lower bound on the accuracy of a harmonic approximation to the reflectance function also provides a lower bound on the average accuracy of the harmonic approximation for any convex object. (This result was derived by Frolova et al. [15].) We assume that lighting is equally likely from all directions. Given an object, we can construct a matrix M whose columns contain the images obtained by illuminating the object by a single point source, for all possible source directions. (Of course there are infinitely many such directions, but we can sample them to any desired accuracy.) The average accuracy of a low rank representation of the images of the object then is determined by


where M* is low rank, and ||.|| denotes the Frobenius Norm of a matrix. Now consider the rows of M. Each row represents the reflectance of a single surface point under all point sources. Such reflectances are identical to the reflectances of a sphere with uniform albedo under a single point source. (To see this, simply let the surface normal and the lighting directions change roles.) We know that under a point source the reflectance function can be approximated by a combination of the first nine harmonics to 99.22%. Because by this argument every row of M can be approximated to the same accuracy, there exists a rank nine matrix M* that approximates M to 99.22%. This argument can be applied to convex objects of any shape. Thus, on average, nine harmonic images approximate the images of an object by at least 99.22%, and likewise four harmonic images approximate the images of an object by at least 87.5%. Note that this approximation can even be improved somewhat by selecting optimal coefficients to better fit the images of the object. Indeed, simulations indicate that optimal selection of the coefficients often increases the accuracy of the second order approximation up to 99.5% and that of the first order approximation to about 95%.

Ramamoorthi [37] further derived expressions to calculate the accuracies obtained with spherical harmonics for orders less than nine. His analysis, in fact, demonstrates that generically the spherical harmonics of the same order are not equally significant. The reason is that the basis images of an object are not generally orthogonal, and in some cases are quite similar. For example, if the z components of the surface normals of an object do not vary much, some of the harmonic images are quite similar, such as boo = ρ versus bio = ρz. Ramamoorthi’s calculations show a good fit (with a slight overshoot) to the empirical results. With his derivations, the accuracy obtained for a 3D representation of a human face is 92% (in contrast to 90.2% in empirical studies) and for 7D 99% (in contrast to 95.3%). The somewhat lower accuracies obtained in empirical studies may be attributed to the presence of specularities, cast shadows, and noisy measurements.

Finally, it is interesting to compare the basis images determined by our spherical harmonic representation with the basis images derived for the case of no shadows. As mentioned in Sect. 7.4, Shashua [40] and Moses [34] pointed out that in the absence of attached shadows every possible image of an object is a linear combination of the x, y, and z components of the surface normals scaled by the albedo. They therefore proposed using these three components to produce a 3D linear subspace to represent a model’s images. Interestingly, these three vectors are identical, up to a scale factor, to the basis images produced by the first-order harmonics in our method.

We can therefore interpret Shashua’s method as also making an analytic approximation to a model’s images using low-order harmonics. However, our previous analysis tells us that the images of the first harmonic account for only 50% of the energy passed by the half-cosine kernel. Furthermore, in the worst case it is possible for the lighting to contain no component in the first harmonic. Most notably, Shashua’s method does not make use of the zeroth harmonic (commonly referred to as the DC component). These are the images produced by a perfectly diffuse light source. Nonnegative lighting must always have a significant DC component. We noted in Sect. 7.4 that Koenderink and van Doorn [28] suggested augmenting Shashua’s method with this diffuse component. This results in a linear method that uses the four most significant harmonic basis images, although Koenderink and van Doorn proposed it as apparently a heuristic suggestion, without analysis or reference to a harmonic representation of lighting.


We have developed an analytic description of the linear subspace that lies near the set of images an object can produce. We now show how to use this description in various tasks, including object recognition and shape reconstruction. We begin by describing methods for recognizing faces under different illuminations and poses. Later, we briefly describe reconstruction algorithms for stationary and moving objects.


In a typical recognition problem, the 3D shape and reflectance properties (including surface normals and albedos) of faces may be available. The task then is, given an image of a face seen under unknown pose and illumination, to recognize the individual. Our spherical harmonic representation enables us to perform this task while accounting for complicated, unknown lighting that includes combinations of point and extended sources. Below, we assume that the pose of the object is already known but that its identity and lighting conditions are not. For example, we may wish to identify a face that is known to be facing the camera; or we may assume that either a human or an automatic system has identified features, such as the eyes and the tip of the nose, that allow us to determine the pose for each face in the database, but that the database is too large to allow a human to select the best match.

Recognition proceeds by comparing a new query image to each model in turn. To compare to a model, we compute the distance between the query image and the nearest image the model can produce. We present two classes of algorithms that vary in their representation of a model’s images. The linear subspace can be used directly for recognition, or we can restrict ourselves to a subset of the linear subspace that corresponds to physically realizable lighting conditions.

We stress the advantages we gain by having an analytic description of the subspace available, in contrast to previous methods in which PCA could be used to derive a subspace from a sample of an object’s images. One advantage of an analytic description is that we know it provides an accurate representation of an object’s possible images, not subject to the vagaries of a particular sample of images. A second advantage is efficiency; we can produce a description of this subspace much more rapidly than PCA would allow. The importance of this advantage depends on the type of recognition problem we tackle. In particular, we are interested in recognition problems in which the position of an object is not known in advance but can be computed at run-time using feature correspondences. In this case, the linear subspace must also be computed at run-time, and the cost of doing this is important.

Linear Methods

The most straightforward way to use our prior results for recognition is to compare a novel image to the linear subspace of images that correspond to a model, as derived by our harmonic representation. To do this, we produce the harmonic basis images of each model, as described in Sect. 7.6.5. Given an image I we seek the distance from I to the space spanned by the basis images. Let B denote the basis images. Then we seek a vector a that minimizes \\Ba — 11|. B is p x r, p is the number of points in the image, and r is the number of basis images used. As discussed above, nine is a natural value to use for r ,but r = 4 provides greater efficiency and r = 18 offers even better potential accuracy. Every column of B contains one harmonic image bnm. These images form a basis for the linear subspace, though not an orthonormal one. Hence we apply a QR decomposition to B to obtain such a basis. We compute Q,ap x r matrix with orthonormal columns, and R,anr x r matrix so that QR = B and QtQ is an r x r identity matrix. Then Q is an orthonormal basis for B, and Qt QI is the projection of I into the space spanned by B .We can then compute the distance from the image, I, and the space spanned by B as || QQtI — 11|. The cost of the QR decomposition is O(pr2), assuming p > r.

The use of an analytically derived basis can have a substantial effect on the speed of the recognition process. In previous work Georghiades et al. [17] performed recognition by rendering the images of an object under many possible lightings and finding an 11D subspace that approximates these images. With our method this expensive rendering step is unnecessary. When s sampled images are used (typically s ^ r), with s ^ p PCA requires O(ps2). Also, in MATLAB, PCA of a thin, rectangular matrix seems to take exactly twice as long as its QR decomposition. Therefore, in practice, PCA on the matrix constructed by Georghiades et al. would take about 150 times as long as using our method to build a 9D linear approximation to a model’s images. (This is for s = 100 and r = 9. One might expect p to be about 10 000, but this does not affect the relative costs of the methods.) This may not be significant if pose is known ahead of time and this computation takes place off line. When pose is computed at run time, however, the advantages of our method can become significant.

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