Face Recognition Using 3D Images (Face Recognition Techniques) Part 3

Experimental Results

3D Face Recognition

For validation purposes, we have used the FRGC v2 [52] database, containing 4007 3D frontal facial scans of 466 persons. Figure 17.14 shows some examples of 3D facial scans from this database.

The performance is measured under a verification scenario. In order to produce comparable results, we use the three masks provided along with the FRGC v2 database. These masks, referred to as ROC I, ROC II and ROC III, are of increasing difficulty, respectively. The verification rates of our method at 0.001 False Acceptance Rate (FAR) are presented in the Table 17.2 [30]. The results are also presented using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves (Fig. 17.15). The verification rate is measured for each wavelet transform separately, as well as for their weighted fusion. The average verification rate (over ROC I, II and III) was 97.16% for the fusion of the two transforms, 96.86% for the Haar transform and 94.66% for the Pyramid transform. Even though the Pyramid transform is computationally more expensive it is outperformed by the simpler Haar wavelet transform. However, the fusion of the two transforms offers more descriptive power, yielding higher scores especially in the more difficult experiments (ROC II and ROC III).

Performance of the proposed method using the Haar and Pyramid transforms as well as their fusion on the FRGC v2 database. Results reported using: a ROC I, b ROC II, and c ROC III

Fig. 17.15 Performance of the proposed method using the Haar and Pyramid transforms as well as their fusion on the FRGC v2 database. Results reported using: a ROC I, b ROC II, and c ROC III

3D Face Recognition for Partial Scans

For interpose validation experiments, we combined the frontal facial scans of the FRGC v2 database with side facial scans of the UND Ear Database [63], collections F and G (Fig. 17.16). This database (which was created for ear recognition purposes) contains left and right side scans with yaw rotations of 45°, 60° and 90°. Note that for the purposes of our method, these side scans are considered partial frontal scans with extensive missing data. We use only the 45° side scans (118 subjects, 118 left and 118 right) and the 60° side scans (87 subjects, 87 left and 87 right). These data define two collections, referred to as UND45LR and UND60LR, respectively. For each collection, the left side scan of a subject is considered gallery and the right is considered probe. A third collection, referred to as UND00LR, is defined as follows: the gallery set has one frontal scan for each of the 466 subjects of FRGC v2 while the probe set has a left and right 45° side scan from 39 subjects and a left and right 60° side scan from 32 subjects. Only subjects present in the gallery set were allowed in the probe set.

Left and right side facial scans from the UND Ear Database

Fig. 17.16 Left and right side facial scans from the UND Ear Database

Rank-one Rate







Table 17.3 Rank-one recognition rate of our method for matching partial scans

 a CMC graphs for matching left (gallery) with right (probe) side scans using UND45LR, UND60LR and the combination of the two; b CMC graphs for matching frontal (gallery) with left, right and both (probe) side scans using UND00LR

Fig. 17.17 a CMC graphs for matching left (gallery) with right (probe) side scans using UND45LR, UND60LR and the combination of the two; b CMC graphs for matching frontal (gallery) with left, right and both (probe) side scans using UND00LR

We evaluated the performance of our method under an identification scenario using partial scans of arbitrary sides for the gallery and probe sets. Our method can match any combination of left, right or frontal facial scans with the use of facial symmetry. For each of the three collections, the rank-one recognition rates are given in the Table 17.3 while the Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) graphs are depicted in Fig. 17.17.

In the cases of UND45LR and UND60LR, for each subject, the gallery set contains a single left side scan while the probe set contains a single right side scan.

Therefore facial symmetry is always used to perform identification. As expected, the 60° side scans yielded lower results as they are considered more challenging compared to the 45° side scans (see Fig. 17.17(a)). In the case of UND00LR, the gallery set contains a frontal scan for each subject, while the probe set contains left and right side scans. This scenario is very common when the enrollment of subjects is controlled but the identification is uncontrolled. In Fig. 17.17(b) the CMC graph is given (UND00LR’s probe set is also split in left-only and right-only subsets). Compared to UND45LR and UND60LR, there is a decrease in the performance of our method in UND00LR. One could argue that since the gallery set consists of frontal scans (that do not suffer from missing data), the system should perform better. However, UND00LR has the largest gallery set (it includes all of the 466 subjects found in the FRGC v2 database) making it the most challenging database in our experiments with partial scans.

3D-aided Profile Recognition

In our experiments, we employ data from the face collection from the University of Houston [66] that contains 3D data that was acquired with a 2-pod 3dMD™ system and side-view 2D images. The acquisition environment includes both controlled (indoor, stable background) and uncontrolled (driver) scenarios. The contents of the probe cohorts P1a and P1b are single side-view images of the driver in standard and arbitrary non-standard poses, corresponding to the gallery of 50 subjects. The probe cohorts P2a and P2b are video sequences of 100 frames each, from the same scene in visual and infrared spectrum, respectively. Each sequence corresponds to one of 30 subjects in the gallery.

In the first experiment, we validate recognition performance of the system on the single-frame and the multi-frame cohorts. The CMC curves for each type of pose for the single-frame cohort are depicted in Fig. 17.18(a). The results depicted in Fig. 17.18(b) are assessing the performance of profile recognition on visual spectrum and infrared sequences.

We observe that recognition is higher for the nearly standard profiles (rank-1 recognition rate is 96%), than for nonstandard profiles (78%). This effect may be attributed to the fact that standard profiles contain more discriminative information. The drop in performance for the infrared sequence (89%) with comparison to visual spectrum sequence (97%) is attributed to the fact that it corresponds to smaller face size (about 500 pixels for P2a and only 140 pixels for P2b).

For the gallery profile sampling, we consider angles in the range [-110°, -70°] for yaw and [-25°, 25°] for roll. We do not create profiles for different pitch angles because they correspond to only the in-plane rotations and do not influence the geometry of the profile. The resolution of sampling is 5°. To demonstrate the sensitivity of the algorithm to the predefined range of gallery sampling angles, we compare recognition results based on the original gallery to the results based on wider or narrower ranges, where each range is reduced by 5° from each side. The outcome of this comparison is depicted in Figs. 17.19(a, b) separately for standard and nonstandard poses. In a similar manner, Figs. 17.19(c, d) depict the influences of angular sampling density on recognition by comparison of the current sampling density of 5° to the alternative sparser sampling densities of 10° and 20°. These experiments were applied on P1a and P1b cohorts to examine the influence on standard and nonstandard poses.

Recognition results on side-view single-frame and multi-frame images: a performance on single-frame cohorts, and b performance on multi-frame cohorts

Fig. 17.18 Recognition results on side-view single-frame and multi-frame images: a performance on single-frame cohorts, and b performance on multi-frame cohorts

The results show a clear tendency for the widely sampled pose domain to be more robust on non-standard poses. For instance, rank-1 recognition is 78% for wide region (current settings), 76% for slightly narrower region and only 56% for the sampling region with 10° reduced from each side. On the other hand, narrow sampled pose domain regions will slightly outperform if we consider only nearly standard poses. For instance, sampling in the narrow region results in 98% rank-1 recognition as compared to 96% recognition for other settings (wide and moderate). However, even in this case, sampling only a single point corresponding to standard pose (ultra-narrow) is worse than other options and results in 92% rank-1 recognition for nearly standard poses and only 56% for nonstandard poses. Unlike the area of sampling region, the frequency of sampling has less influence on the performance.

3D-aided 2D Face Recognition

Database UHDB11 [64] The UHDB11 database was created to analyze the impact of the variation in both pose and lighting. The database contains acquisitions from 23 subjects under six illumination conditions. For each illumination condition, the subject is asked to face four different points inside the room. This generated rotations on the Y axis. For each rotation on Y, three images are acquired with rotations on the Z axis (assuming that the Z axis goes from the back of the head to the nose, and that the Y axis is the vertical axis through the subject’s head). Thus, each subject is acquired under six illumination conditions, four Y rotations, and three Z rotations. For each acquisition, the subject 3D mesh is also acquired concurrently. Figure 17.20(a) depicts the variation in pose and illumination for one of the subjects from UHDB11. There are 23 subjects, resulting in 23 gallery datasets (3D plus 2D) and 1,602 probe datasets (2D only).

Recognition results using various sampling domains: a, c cohort P1a (nearly standard poses), and b, d cohort P1b (nonstandard poses)

Fig. 17.19 Recognition results using various sampling domains: a, c cohort P1a (nearly standard poses), and b, d cohort P1b (nonstandard poses)

Database UHDB12 [65] The 3D data were captured using a 3dMD™ two-pod optical scanner, while the 2D data were captured using a commercial Canon™ DSLR camera. The system has six diffuse lights that allow the variation of the lighting conditions. For each subject, there is a single 3D scan (and the associated 2D texture) that is used as a gallery dataset and several 2D images that are used as probe datasets. Each 2D image is acquired under one of the six possible lighting conditions depicted in Fig. 17.20(b). There are 26 subjects, resulting in 26 gallery datasets (3D plus 2D) and 800 probe datasets (2D only).

Authentication We performed a variety of authentication experiments. We evaluated both relighting and unlighting. In case of unlighting, both gallery and probe images were unlit (thus, becoming albedos). In the case of relighting, the gallery image was relit according to the probe image. The results for UHDB12 (using the UR2D algorithm, the CWSSIM metric and Z-normalization) are summarized using a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (Fig. 17.21). Note that face recognition benefits more from relit images than from unlit images. It achieves a 10% higher authentication rate at 10-3 False Accept Rate (FAR) than unlighting. The performance using the raw texture is also included as a baseline. Even though these results depend on the UHDB12 and the distance metric that was used, they indicate clearly that relighting is more suitable for face recognition than unlighting. The reason behind this is that any unlighting method produces an albedo for which the ground truth is not known; Therefore, the optimization procedure is more prone to errors.

Examples images from database UHDB11 and database UHDB12 with variation of lighting and pose

Fig. 17.20 Examples images from database UHDB11 and database UHDB12 with variation of lighting and pose

ROC curve on authentication experiment on UHDB12 (varying illumination)

Fig. 17.21 ROC curve on authentication experiment on UHDB12 (varying illumination)

UHDB11 was employed to assess the robustness of the 3D-aided 2D face recognition approach with respect to both lighting and pose variation. Figure 17.22 depicts the ROC curve for UHDB11 for four different methods: (i) 3D-3D: Using the UR3D algorithm where both the gallery and probe are 3D datasets (shape only no texture) [30]; (ii) 2D-3D(BR_GI, GS): The UR2D algorithm using bidirectionally relit images, GS distance metric, and E-normalization; (iii) 2D-3D(BR_GI, CWS-SIM): The UR2D algorithm using bidirectionally relit images, CWSSIM distance metric, and E-normalization; (iv) 2D-3D(GI, GS): The UR2D algorithm using raw texture from the geometry images, GS distance metric, and E-normalization; (v) 2D-2D(2D Raw, GS): Computing the GS distance metric for the raw 2D data, and E-normalization; (vi) L1(2D Raw, GS): Results from the L1 IdentityToolsSDK [33]. Note that the UR2D algorithm(BR_GS, GS) outperforms one of the best commercial products.

ROC curve for an authentication experiment using data from UHDB11 (varying illumination and pose). Note that the Equal Error Rate which the 3D-aided 2D face recognition algorithm achieves is half that of the leading commercial product available at this time

Fig. 17.22 ROC curve for an authentication experiment using data from UHDB11 (varying illumination and pose). Note that the Equal Error Rate which the 3D-aided 2D face recognition algorithm achieves is half that of the leading commercial product available at this time

Identification performance of the 3D-aided 2D face recognition approach versus the performance of a leading commercial 2D face recognition product

Fig. 17.23 Identification performance of the 3D-aided 2D face recognition approach versus the performance of a leading commercial 2D face recognition product

2D-3D Identification Experiment The UHDB11 database is also used in an identification experiment. The results are provided in a Cumulative Matching Characteristic (CMC) curve on 23 subjects of UHDB11 (Fig. 17.23). From these results it is evident that the UR2D algorithm outperforms the commercial 2D-only product throughout the entire CMC curve.


While the price of commercial 3D systems is dropping, to tap into the wealth of 2D sensors that are already economically available, we would need to employ a 3D-aided 2D recognition technique. These 3D-aided 2D recognition methods can provide promising results without the need for an expensive 3D sensor at the authentication site. The effectiveness of these methods with relighting process have been demonstrated and it has been proven to provide robust face recognition under varying pose and lighting condition.

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