Stratigraphy is the study of rock layers (strata) deposited in the earth. It is one of the most challenging of geologic subdisciplines, comparable to an exacting form of detective work, yet it is also one of the most important branches of study in the geologic sciences. Earth’s history, quite literally, is written on the strata of its rocks, and from observing these layers, geologists have been able to form an idea of the various phases in that long history. Naturally, information is more readily discernible about the more recent phases, though even in studying these phases, it is possible to be misled by gaps in the rock record, known as unconformities.


The Foundations of Stratigraphy

Historical geology, the study of Earth’s physical history, is one of the two principal branches of geology, the other being physical geology, or the study of Earth’s physical components and the forces that have shaped them. Among the principal subdisciplines of historical geology is stratigraphy, the study of rock layers, which are called strata or, in the singular form, a stratum.
Other important subdisciplines include geochronology, the study of Earth’s age and the dating of specific formations in terms of geologic time; sedimentology, the study and interpretation of sediments, including sedimentary processes and formations; paleontology, the study of fossilized plants and animals; and paleoecology, the study of the relationship between prehistoric plants and animals and their environments. Several of these subjects are examined in other essays within this topic.

Early work in Stratigraphy

Among the earliest contributions to what could be called historical geology came from the Italian scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), who speculated that fossils might have come from the remains of long-dead animals. Nearly two centuries later, stratigraphy itself had its beginnings when the Danish geologist Nicolaus Steno (1638-1687) studied the age of rock strata.
Steno formulated what came to be known as the law of superposition, or the idea that strata are deposited in a sequence such that the deeper the layer, the older the rock. This, of course, assumes that the rock has been undisturbed, and it is applicable only for one of the three major types of rock, sedimentary (as opposed to igneous or metamorphic). Later, the German geologist Johann Gottlob Lehmann (1719-1767) put forward the theory that certain groups of rocks tend to be associated with each other and that each layer of rock is a sort of chapter in the history of Earth.
Thus, along with Steno, Lehmann helped pioneer the idea of the stratigraphic column, discussed later in this essay. The man credited as the “father of stratigraphy,” however, was the English engineer and geologist William Smith (17691839). In 1815 Smith produced the first modern geologic map, showing rock strata in England and Wales. Smith’s achievement, discussed in Measuring and Mapping Earth, influenced all of geology to the present day by introducing the idea of geologic, as opposed to geographic, mapping. Furthermore, by linking stratigraphy with paleontology, he formulated an important division of stratigraphy, known as biostratigraphy.
Striations visible in sandstone from Neon Canyon, Utah.
Striations visible in sandstone from Neon Canyon, Utah.

Areas of stratigraphic Study

Along with biostratigraphy, the major areas of stratigraphy include lithostratigraphy, chronos-tratigraphy, geochronometry, and magne-tostratigraphy. The most basic type of stratigraphy, and the first to emerge, was lithostratigra-phy, which is simply the study and description of rock layers. Earth scientists working in the area of lithostratigraphy identify various types of layers, which include (from the most specific to the most general), formations, members, beds, groups, and supergroups.
Biostratigraphy involves the study of fossilized plants and animals to establish dates for and correlate relations between stratigraphic layers. Scientists in this field also identify categories of biostratigraphic units, the most basic being a biozone. Magnetostratigraphy is based on the investigation of geomagnetism and the reversals in Earth’s magnetic field that have occurred over time. (See Geomagnetism as well as the discussion of paleomagnetism in Plate Tectonics.)
Chronostratigraphy is devoted to studying the ages of rocks and what they reveal about geologic time, or the vast stretch of history (approximately 4.6 billion years, abbreviated 4.6 Ga) over which Earth’s geologic development has occurred. It is concerned primarily with relative dating, whereas geochronometry includes the determination of absolute dates and time intervals. This typically calls for the use of radiometric dating.

The Stratigraphic Column

The stratigraphic column is the succession of rock strata laid down over the course of time, each of which correlates to specific phases in Earth’s geologic history. The record provided by the stratigraphic column is most reliable for studying the Phanerozoic, the current eon of geologic history, as opposed to the Precambrian, which constituted the first three eons and hence the vast majority of Earth’s geologic history. The relatively brief span of time since the Phanero-zoic began (about 545 million years, or Ma) has seen by far the most dramatic changes in plant and animal life. It was in this eon that the fossil record emerged, giving us far more detailed information about comparatively recent events than about a much longer span of time in the more distant past.

Relative and absolute dating

Precambrian time is so designated because it precedes the Cambrian period, one of 11 periods in the Phanerozoic eon. The Cambrian period extended for about 50 million years, from approximately 545 Ma to 495 Ma ago. This statement in terms of years, however inexact, is an example of absolute age. By contrast, if we say that the Cambrian period occurred at the beginning of the Paleozoic era, after the end of the Proterozoic eon and before the beginning of the Ordovician period, this is a statement of relative age. Both statements are true, and though it is obviously preferable to measure time in absolute terms, sometimes relative terms are the only ones available.
Dating, in scientific terms, is any effort directed toward finding the age of a particular item or phenomenon. Relative dating methods assign an age relative to that of other items, whereas absolute dating determines age in actual years or millions of years. When geologists first embarked on stratigraphic studies, the only means of dating available to them were relative. Using Steno’s law of superposition, they reasoned that a deeper layer of sedimentary rock was necessarily older than a shallower layer.
Advances in our understanding of atomic structure during the twentieth century, however, made possible a particularly useful absolute form of dating through the study of radioactive decay. S Radiometric dating, which is explained in more detail in Geologic Time, uses ratios between “parent” and “daughter” isotopes. Radioactive isotopes decay, or emit particles, until they become stable, and as this takes place, parent isotopes spawn daughters. The amount of time that it takes for half the isotopes in a sample to stabilize is termed a half-life. Elements such as uranium, which has isotopes with half-lives that extend into the billions of years, make possible the determination of absolute dates for extremely old geologic materials.

Divisions of the stratigraphic column

Geologic time is divided into named groupings according to six basic units, which are (in order of size from longest to shortest) eon, era, period, epoch, age, and chron. There is no absolute standard for the length of any unit; rather, it takes at least two ages to make an epoch, at least two epochs to compose a period, and so on. The dates for specific eons, eras, periods, and so on are usually given in relative terms, however; an example is the designation of the Cambrian period given earlier.
Chronostratigraphy also uses six time units: the eonothem, erathem, system, series, stage, and chronozone. These time units are analogous to the terms in the geologic time scale, the major difference being that chronostratigraphic units are conceived in terms of relative time and are not assigned dates. The more distant in time a particular unit is, the more controversy exists regarding its boundary with preceding and successive units. This is true both of the geologic and the chronostratigraphic scales.
For this reason, the International Union of Geological Sciences, the leading worldwide body of geologic scientists, has established a Commission on Stratigraphy to determine such boundaries. The commission selects and defines what are called Global Stratotype Sections and Points (GSGPs), which are typically marine fossil formations. Because it is believed that life has existed longest on Earth in its oceans, samples from the water provide the most reliable stratigraphic record.

Naming of Chronostratigraphic Units

As noted, the chronostratigraphic divisions correspond to units of geologic time, even though chronostratigraphic units are based on relative dating methods and geologic ones use absolute time measures. Because attempts at relative dating have been taking place since the late eighteenth century, today’s geologic units originated as what would be called stratigraphic or chronostratigraphic units. Even today the names of the phases are the same, with the only difference being the units in which they are expressed. Thus, when speaking in terms of geologic time, one would refer to the Jurassic period, whereas in stratigraphic terms, this would be the Jurassic system.
In 1759 the Italian geologist Giovanni Arduino (1714-1795) developed the idea of primary, secondary, and tertiary groups of rocks. Though the use of the terms primary and secondary has been discarded, vestiges of Arduino’s nomenclature survive in the modern designation of the Tertiary subera of the Cenozoic era (erathem in stratigraphic terminology) as well as in the name of the present period or system, the Quaternary. (Just as primary, secondary, and tertiary refer to a first, second, and third level, respectively, the term quaternary indicates a fourth level.)
We are living in the fourth of four eons, or eonothems, the Phanerozoic, which is divided into three eras, or erathems: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. These eras, in turn, are divided into 11 periods, or systems, whose names (except for Tertiary and Quaternary) refer to the locations in which the respective stratigraphic systems were first observed. The names of these systems, along with their dates in millions of years before the present and the origin of their names, are as follows (from the most distant to the most recent):
Periods/Systems of the Paleozoic Era/ Erathem
• Cambrian (about 545 to 495 Ma): Cambria, the Roman name for the province of Wales
• Ordovician (about 495 to 443 Ma): Ordovices, the name of a Celtic tribe in ancient Wales
• Silurian (about 443 to 417 Ma): Silures, another ancient Welsh Celtic tribe
• Devonian (about 417 to 354 Ma): Devonshire, a county in southwest England
• Mississippian (a subperiod ofthe Carboniferous period, about 354 to 323 Ma): the Mississippi River
• Pennsylvanian (a subperiod of the Carboniferous, about 323 to 290 Ma): the state of Pennsylvania
• Permian (about 290 to 248.2 Ma): Perm, a province in Russia
Periods/Systems of the Mesozoic Era/ Erathem
• Triassic (about 248.2 to 205.7 Ma): a tripartite, or threefold, division of rocks in Germany
• Jurassic (about 205.7 to 142 Ma): the Jura Mountains of Switzerland and France
• Cretaceous (about 142 to 65 Ma): from a Latin word for “chalk,” a reference to the chalky cliffs of southern England and France
Within the more recent Cenozoic era, or erathem, names of epochs (or “series” in stratigraphic terminology) become important. They are all derived from Greek words, whose meanings are given below:
Epochs/Series of the Cenozoic Era/Erathem
• Paleocene (about 65 to 54.8 Ma): “early dawn of the recent”
• Eocene (about 54.8 to 33.7 Ma): “dawn of the recent”
• Oligocene (about 33.7 to 23.8 Ma): “slightly recent”
• Miocene (about 23.8 to 5.3 Ma): “less recent”
• Pliocene (about 5.3 to 1.8 Ma): “more recent”
• Pleistocene (about 1.8 to 0.01 Ma): “most recent”
• Holocene (about 0.01 Ma to present): “wholly recent”



The geologist studying the stratigraphic record is a sort of detective, looking for clues. Just as detectives have their methods for solving crimes, geologists rely on correlation, or methods of establishing age relationships between various strata. There are two basic types of correlation: physical correlation, which requires comparison of the physical characteristics of the strata, and fossil correlation, the comparison of fossil types.
A polarized-light micrograph shows fossils in limestone dating to the Eocene and Oligocene epochs.
A polarized-light micrograph shows fossils in limestone dating to the Eocene and Oligocene epochs.
Actually, chronostratigraphic work is very similar some of the toughest cases confronted by police detectives, because more often than not the geologic detective has little evidence on which to operate. First of all, as noted earlier, only sedimentary rock can be used in making such determinations: for instance, igneous rock in its molten form, as when it is expelled from a volcano, could force itself underneath a rock stratum, thus confusing the stratigraphic record.

Potential Pitfalls

Even when the rock is sedimentary, there is still plenty of room for error. The layers may be many feet or less than an inch deep, and it is up to the geologist to determine whether the stratum has been affected by such geologic forces as erosion. If erosion has occurred, it can cause a disturbance, or unconformity (discussed later), which tends to render inaccurate any reading of the stratigraphic record.
Another possible source of disturbance is an earthquake, which could cause one part of Earth’s crust to shift over an adjacent section, making the stratigraphic record difficult, if not impossible, to read. Under the best of conditions, after all, the strata are hardly neat, easily defined lines. If one observes a horizontal section, there is likely to be a change in thickness, because as the stratum extends outward, it merges with the edges of adjacent deposits.
Yet another potential pitfall in stratigraphic correlation involves one of the most useful tools available to a geologist attempting to find an absolute age for the materials he or she is studying: radiometric dating. Though this method can provide accurate absolute dates, it is quite possible that the age thus determined will be the age of the parent rock from which a sample is taken, not the age of the sample itself. The grains of sand in a piece of sandstone, for instance, are much older than the larger unit of sandstone, and for this reason, radiometric dating is useful only in specific circumstances.


Absolute age: The absolute age of a geologic phenomenon is its age in Earth years. Compare with relative age.
Biostratigraphy: An area of stratigraphy involving the study of fossilized plants and animals in order to establish dates for and correlations between stratigraphic layers.
Chronostratigraphy: A subdiscipline of stratigraphy devoted to studying the relative ages of rocks. Compare with geochronometry.
Correlation: A method of establishing age relationships between various rock strata. There are two basic types of Correlation: physical correlation, which requires comparison of the physical characteristics of the strata, and fossil correlation, the comparison of fossil types.
Dating: Any effort directed toward finding the age of a particular item or phenomenon. Methods of geologic dating are either relative (i.e., comparative and usually based on rock strata) or absolute. The latter, based on such methods as the study of radioactive isotopes, usually is given in terms of actual years or millions of years.
Eon: The longest phase of geologic time, equivalent to an eonothem in the stratigraphic time scale. Earth’s history has consisted of four eons, the Hadean or Priscoan, Archaean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic. The next-smallest subdivision of geologic time is the era.
Epoch: The fourth-longest phase of geologic time, shorter than an era and longer than an age and a chron. An epoch is equivalent to a series in the stratigraphic time scale. The current epoch is the Holocene, which began about 0.01 Ma (10,000 years) ago.
Era: The second-longest phase of geologic time, after an eon, and equivalent to an erathem in the stratigraphic time scale. The current eon, the Phanerozoic, has had three eras, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic, which is the current era. The next-smallest subdivision of geologic time is the period.
Erosion: The movement of soil and rock due to forces produced by water, wind, glaciers, gravity, and other influences.
Ga: An abbreviation meaning “giga-years” or “billion years.” The age of Earth is about 4.6 Ga.
Geochronometry: An area of stratigraphy devoted to determining absolute dates and time intervals. Compare with chronostratigraphy.
Geologic map: A map showing the rocks beneath Earth’s surface, including their distribution according to type as well as their ages, relationships, and structural features.
Geologic time: The vast stretch of time over which Earth’s geologic development has occurred. This span (about 4.6 billion years) dwarfs the history of human existence, which is only about two million years. Much smaller still is the span of human civilization, only about 5,500 years.
Historical geology: The study of Earth’s physical history. Historical geology is one of two principal branches of geology, the other being physical geology.
Isotopes: Atoms that have an equal number of protons, and hence are of the same element, but differ in their number of neutrons. This results in a difference of mass. An isotope may be either stable or radioactive.
Law of faunal succession: The principle that all samples of any given fossil species were deposited on Earth, regardless of location, at more or less the same time. This makes it possible to correlate widely separated strata.
Law of superposition: The principle that strata are deposited in a sequence such that the deeper the layer, the older the rock. This is applicable only or sedimentary rock, as opposed to igneous or metamorphic rock.
Lithostratigraphy: An area of stratigraphy devoted to the study and description (but not the dating) of rock layers.
Ma: An abbreviation used by earth scientists, meaning “million years” or “megayears.” When an event is designated as, for instance, 160 Ma, it usually means 160 million years ago.
Paleontology: The study of fossilized plants and animals, or flora and fauna.
Period: The third-longest phase of geologic time, after an era; it is equivalent to a system in the stratigraphic time scale. The current eon, the Phanerozoic, has had 11 periods, and the current era, the Ceno-zoic, has consisted of three periods, of which the most recent is the Quaternary. The next-smallest subdivision of geologic time is the epoch.
Precambrian time: A term that refers to the first three of four eons in Earth’s history, which lasted from about 4,560 Ma to about 545 Ma ago.
Radioactivity: A term describing a phenomenon whereby certain materials are subject to a form of decay brought about by the emission of high-energy particles or radiation. Forms of particles or energy include alpha particles (positively charged helium nuclei), beta particles (either electrons or subatomic particles called positrons), or gamma rays, which occupy the highest energy level in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Radiometric dating: A method of absolute dating using ratios between “parent” isotopes and “daughter” isotopes, which are formed by the radioactive decay of parent isotopes.
Relative age: The relative age of a geologic phenomenon is its age compared with the ages of other geologic phenomena, particularly the stratigraphic record of rock layers. Compare with absolute age.
Sediment: Material deposited at or near Earth’s surface from a number of sources, most notably preexisting rock.
Sedimentary rock: Rock formed by compression and deposition (i.e., formation of deposits) on the part of other rock and mineral particles. Sedimentary rock is one of the three major types of rock, along with igneous and metamorphic.
Sedimentology: The study and interpretation of sediments, including sedimentary processes and formations.
Strata: Layers, or beds, of rocks beneath Earth’s surface. The singular form is stratum.
Stratigraphic column: The succession of rock strata laid down over the course of time, each of which correlates to specific junctures in Earth’s geologic history.
Stratigraphy: The study of rock layers, or strata, beneath Earth’s surface.
Unconformity: An apparent gap in the geologic record, as revealed by observing rock layers or strata.
Weathering: The breakdown of rocks and minerals at or near the surface of Earth due to physical or chemical processes, or both.

Physical and fossil correlation

Given all these challenges, it is a wonder that geologists manage to correlate strata successfully, yet they do. Physical correlations are achieved on the basis of several criteria, including color, the size of grains, and the varieties of minerals found within a stratum. By such means, it is sometimes possible to correlate widely separated strata.
Particularly impressive feats of correlation can result from the study of fossils, whose stratigraphic implications, as we have noted, were first discovered by William Smith. Smith hit upon the idea of biostratigraphy while excavating land for a set of canals near London. As he discovered, any given stratum contains the same types of fossils, and strata in two different areas thus can be correlated.
Long before his countryman Charles Darwin (1809-1882) developed the theory of evolution, Smith conceived his own law of faunal succession, which hints at the idea that species developed and disappeared over given phases in Earth’s past. According to the law of faunal succession, all samples of any given fossil species were deposited on Earth, regardless of location, at more or less the same time. As a result, if a geologist finds a stratum in one area that contains a particular fossil and another in a distant area containing the same fossil, it is possible to conclude that the strata are the same.


In discussing the many challenges facing a geologist studying stratigraphic data, the role of erosion was noted. Let us return to that subject, because erosion is a source of what are known as unconformities, or gaps in the rock record. Unconformities are of three types: angular unconformities, disconformities, and nonconformities.
Angular unconformities involve a tilting of the layers, such that an upper layer does not lie perfectly parallel to a lower one. Disconformities are more deceptive, because the layers are parallel, yet there is still an unconformity between them, and only a study of the fossil record can reveal the unconformity. Finally, a nonconformity arises when sedimentary rocks are divided from a type of igneous rock known as intrusive (meaning “cooled within Earth”).

Angular unconformities

Angular unconformities emerge as a by-product of the dramatic shifts and collisions that take place in plate tectonics (see Plate Tectonics). Sediment accumulates and then, as a result of plate movement, is moved about and eventually experiences weathering and erosion. Layers are tilted and then flattened by more erosion, and as the solid earth rises or sinks, they are shifted further. Such is the case, for instance, along the Colorado River at the Grand Canyon, where angular unconformities reveal a series of movements over the years.
Another famous angular unconformity can be found at Siccar Point in Scotland, where nearly horizontal deposits of sandstone rest atop nearly vertical ones of graywacke, another sedimentary rock. Observations of this unconformity led the great geologist James Hutton (1726-1797) to the realization that Earth is much, much older than the 6,000 years claimed by theologians in his day (see Historical Geology).

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