Discovery Resources

Discovery Resources is a composite Web site intended for legal professionals interested in learning about e-discovery’s technological and legal challenges.
Posts are relatively brief and made by those in the industry or Fios, Inc (the Web site sponsor). You find sections on standards and best practices, a library, and archived Webcasts and podcasts. The Views from the Bench section provides the latest judicial opinions and judicial advice to counsel. The library offers selected news and references from various trusted sources.
Two blogs are linked to the site. Mary Mack, Esq., who is corporate technology counsel for Fios, Inc. posts brief comments in the Sound Evidence blog. One of the intentions is to raise issues and offer ways to contain costs when complying with ESI requests.
Discerning e-Discovery is a collaborative blog where readers and their own contributors get to post comments.
You also find links to other e-discovery blogs. You can follow them on Twitter.

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