Independent Project (The World of Desktop Publishing)

Travel Brochure

1.    Choose a place where you would like to travel. Create a travel brochure to this location.

2.    Go to a local travel agency or search online to gather at least two travel brochures to get ideas from. Write a summary of what you found that you would like to include on your brochure. Include in the summary some things that you may have found on the brochures that you want to avoid. The summary should be keyed in a word processing document and saved as brochure_summary.

3.    Create a storyboard of your travel brochure to turn in to your instructor for approval. The storyboard should be a pencil sketch of your plan for your brochure. Include sketches with ideas of the type of image you will use and its placement. Include where you will place text boxes along with a brief description of what text will be in each text box. The brochure should be set up for trifold. Consider the skills that you have learned in Unit 1 and include as many of them in the document setup of your brochure as possible.

4.    Using your desktop publishing software, set up a one-page default document. Place or import the brochure_summary in the document. Add a page number on the master page as a right-aligned footer.

5.    Save the document as brochure_summary.

6.    Create your travel brochure. Include the following as a minimum:

  • Set up as a trifold
  • Minimum of three images used from at least two different sources © Use of feathering and drop shadow at least once each © Set at least two guides © Wrapped text on at least one image © Use a transformation at least once © Images are all in proportion © No errors in grammar or spelling © Use fill and stroke in text effectively
  • Use arrangement in stacking graphics or text at least once to add interest

7.    Save the document as travel_brochure.

Digital Portfolio Newsletter

1.    With your team of students, create a newsletter about Digital Portfolios.

2.    Search on the Internet, interview potential employers, or use other resources to gain information about creating digital portfolios. Write an article to place in the newsletter. Meet with team members to assign tasks in writing articles. Completed articles should be in plain text format and saved as a word processing document. At least two references should be included at the bottom of each article. Students should collect images to emphasize their articles while doing their research and include those ideas and files in notes of the project. The following questions should be answered in the articles.

  • What is a portfolio? file name: portfolio
  • What is the purpose of a portfolio? file name: portfolio_purpose
  • Why create a digital portfolio instead of a paper portfolio? file name: why_digital
  • What is the process of creating a digital portfolio? file name: portfolio_process
  • What should be included in a digital portfolio? file name: portfolio_contents

3.    Meet with team members to edit the articles and create a storyboard of the newsletter. Determine placement of text frames, images, and any other elements that will be used.

4.    Using the appropriate desktop publishing software, each student creates his or her own newsletter. Use the storyboard as a guide. All team members should have the same elements in their newsletters; however, the placement of text and images may differ. Save the document as team number or name_portfolio_newsletter.

5.    Meet with team members to proofread newsletters. Make individual corrections to each file and save again.

6.    Final newsletter should include the following requirements:

  • Minimum of two pages
  • Page numbers on the master page as a right-aligned footer
  • Images that follow image proofreading guidelines, are appropriately placed, significantly add to the interest of the newsletter, and are the appropriate file type for their use
  • Demonstrate ability to enhance images through the use of feathering, drop shadow, or transformations

Planning the Portfolio

1.    Using the information that you learned in researching for the team newsletter, write a plan for your portfolio. Include in the plan:

  • What is the purpose of your portfolio?
  • Self-assessment of your knowledge in this course at this point.
  • Goals for where you would like to be with knowledge in this course. What do you hope to gain from the course? Are there specific skills that you hope to get from the course?
  • What will you include in your portfolio?
  • What media do you plan to use for your digital portfolio? (Consult your instructor to determine if you have choices or if there is a specific required media, i.e., web page, CD, DVD.)
  • Create a storyboard with an idea for a file structure (folder names and file names within the folders) for storing your documents for your portfolio.
  • Where will the folders and documents be stored for your portfolio? Where will the backup be stored for your portfolio?
  • List a minimum of five projects or assignments that were completed in Unit 1 to include in the portfolio. With each project or assignment listed, write a short explanation of why this project/ assignment was chosen and what was learned in it.

2.    Save the document as portfolio_plan.

Collecting and Organizing Sample Projects

Collect projects and assignments that were listed to include in the portfolio. Create the folders for your portfolio. Move all necessary documents to those folders. If available, a copy of the rubric should also be included for each of the projects/assignments that will be included in the portfolio. Back up all files from the portfolio as your plan outlined.

Journalizing Progress

Using a word processing software, tablet PC, handheld device, or blog, begin a journal of this ongoing project. Save the journal as portfolio_ journal or give the link to the blog to your instructor. Alternatively, you could keep an audio journal of your work completed by using podcasting or other digital audio methods. Consult your instructor for the journal method to use for this class.

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