XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming,Developing For Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360

What Is in a New Project? (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

Open Visual Studio and create a new Game Studio 4.0 Windows Game project. Notice that your main project includes two code files (program.cs and game1.cs), and you have a content project you previously used.You can safely ignore everything in program.cs because it is simply the stub that launches the game.As a matter of fact, this […]

The Game Class (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

The Game class is where all of the magic in your game takes place. Almost everything in your game is driven in some part by this class, and it is the root of your project. Let’s dive in and see what it is made of. Virtual Methods The Game object you’re class derives from has […]

Game Loop (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

This topic has been nothing but text so far.Words, words, and rambling—that just isn’t exciting. Let’s get something on the screen! Update and Draw The basic flow of your game is to initialize everything, and then call Update and Draw continually until you exit the game. This is what is called the game loop.To ensure […]

Components (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

As you can probably imagine, if you had to draw everything inside a single class, your code would quick become a mess of things to keep track of! GameComponents Luckily, the framework provides an easy way to encapsulate objects called game compo-nents.There are three types of game components you can use for your games: GameComponent, […]

3D Graphics in XNA Game Studio

Developing 3D graphics is similar to creating real-time art. Even more impressive are the detailed and interactive 3D graphics found in modern real-time computer games. It is impressive when you compare it against computer graphics of ten years ago. Console and PC games were limited to a fixed set of hardware features, and resolutions were […]

What Are 3D Graphics? (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

The answer to this question might seem simple, but it might not be obvious to those who have no experience creating 3D games or applications. In reality, 3D graphics are just an illusion. They are flat 2D images on a computer monitor, television screen, or phone display. In the real world, your eyes work together […]

Makeup of a 3D Image (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

In a topic 2,"Sprites and 2D Graphics", we described how sprite textures are used to draw 2D images on the screen.You can think of this concept as placing stickers on the screen and moving them around. 3D graphics images are generated differently. At their core, they are a bunch of triangles drawn on the screen. […]

3D Math Basics (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming) Part 1

Those who are new to 3D graphics might ask the question, "Do I need to know math to create 3D graphics?"The simple answer is "Yes, there is a level of mathematics that is required when you are working on a 3D game." Can you get by without knowing much? Absolutely, and we have seen many […]

3D Math Basics (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming) Part 2

Matrix In mathematics, a matrix is rectangle group of numbers called elements.The size of the matrix is expressed in the number of rows by the number of columns. In 3D graphics, the most common type of matrix is the 4 by 4 matrix, which contains 16 float values.The XNA Game Studio Matrix structure is a […]

Graphics Pipeline (XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming)

The graphics pipeline is the set of operations that occur from when you request to draw some geometry that turns the triangles into pixels drawn on the screen or other render target. It is important to understand what is occurring in the pipeline so you can achieve the graphical results you desire.We briefly cover the […]