Interactive 3D Multimedia Content

Flex-VR Content Model (Building Configurable 3D Web Applications with Flex-VR) Part 1

To fully exploit the possibilities of building configurable 3D Web applications, a high-level model of the application content is required. Such a model enables efficient organization, manipulation and exchange of content between applications. The Flex-VR content model describes a 3D application on a much higher level of abstraction than a typical content representation language, such […]

Flex-VR Content Model (Building Configurable 3D Web Applications with Flex-VR) Part 2

Complex Content The Complex Content pattern simplifies creation of complex 3D presentations consisting of objects with different roles and behavior. In this pattern, a presentation space is associated with a content pattern (Sect. 5.4.3), which defines a structure of categories of content objects and communication channels between the categories (method signatures, action statements). Moreover, a […]

Example of a Flex-VR Application (Building Configurable 3D Web Applications with Flex-VR)

The Flex-VR approach has been employed in the ARCO virtual museums system [1, 32, 36, 37]. ARCO consist of a set of tools to help museums to create, manipulate, manage and present virtual exhibitions of cultural artifacts. Application of Flex-VR enables museum staff (curators, exhibition designers) to set up behavior-rich 3D interactive virtual exhibitions without […]

Augmented Reality Authoring Frameworks (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments)

Abstract In this topic, an approach to creation of augmented reality environments, called Augmented Reality Environment Modeling (AREM), is presented. The concept of augmented reality is explained and the components of augmented reality environments are presented. In the AREM approach, augmented reality environments are created based on Augmented Reality Scene Model (ARSM), which defines the […]

The AREM Approach (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments) (Interactive 3D Multimedia Content) Part 1

Basic Concepts The Augmented Reality Environment Modeling (AREM) approach enables creation of Augmented Reality Environments (AREs). An augmented reality environment is a real environment with an augmented reality scene presented in it, as shown in Fig. 6.1. In Fig. 6.1a and b, schematic views of a real environment and an augmented reality scene are presented. […]

The AREM Approach (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments) (Interactive 3D Multimedia Content) Part 2

Examples of Relationships In Fig. 6.3, a fragment of an inheritance hierarchy build for the chemistry domain is presented. Virtual, Real, and Scene AR-Classes are denoted with rectangles, rounded rectangles, and hexagons, respectively. Abstract classes are denoted with their names in italic, as opposed to concrete classes, whose names are in normal text. Three kinds […]

The ARSM Model (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments) (Interactive 3D Multimedia Content) Part 1

The AREM approach is based on the Augmented Reality Scene Model (ARSM), in which the concepts of AR-Class and AR-Object are defined. In the content preparation phase, AR-Classes and Persistent AR-Objects are created and stored in the AR Content Repository denoted by R. The R repository which is defined as a pair {CR, OR), where: […]

The ARSM Model (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments) (Interactive 3D Multimedia Content) Part 2

Scene, Virtual, and Real AR-Classes Containment relationships of an AR-Class are stored in the Cont set. The Relationships can refer to Virtual, Real, and Scene AR-Classes. The set of containment relationships Cont of an AR-Class is a union of three disjoint subsets: where: VCont denotes the set of containment relationships to Virtual AR-Classes, RCont denotes […]

Augmented Reality Environment for Learning (Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments) (Interactive 3D Multimedia Content)

The presented approach has been used in the European Union Fifth Framework Program IST project ARCO—Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects [3, 18, 26, 28]. Fig. 6.6 Archaeology lesson—example of question visualization Within the project, a set of tools have been developed to enable museums to build interactive augmented reality environments for presenting cultural objects based […]

State of the Art (Secure User-Contributed 3D Virtual Environments)

Abstract This topic deals with the problem of access control in 3D virtual environments which are interactive, behavior-rich, multi-user, and based on user-contributed content. Traditional coarse-grained and geometry-centric privilege modeling methods are not sufficient for such environments. New methods are required that concern not only geometrical models, their relationships and structure, but also inter-object behavioral […]