Excel VBA

Bug Extermination Techniques in Excel VBA

In This Chapter ► Defining a bug and why you should squash it ► Recognizing types of program bugs you may encounter ► Using techniques for debugging your code Using the VBA built-in debugging tools In the word bugs conjures up an image of a cartoon rabbit, this chapter can set you straight. Simply put, […]

Error-Handling Techniques in Excel VBA

In This Chapter Understanding the difference between programming errors and run-time errors Trapping and handling run-time errors Using the VBA On Error and Resume statements Finding how you can use an error to your advantage When working with VBA, you should be aware of two broad classes of errors: programming errors and run-time errors. (I […]

Ten Cool Things to Do with the Analysis ToolPak Add-In in Excel

In This Chapter Converting numbers among base systems Converting values from one unit of measure to another Finding the greatest common divisor and least common multiple Generating random numbers with a twist Advanced financial functions Getting a fast set of statistics Creating histograms Working with moving averages Creating a sample from a population Just when […]

Top Ten Functions You Must Know to Be an Excel Guru

In This Chapter Summing, averaging, and counting Rounding numbers Using IF for conditional results Using the current date and time Determining if a value is a number Finding the smallest and largest value Using conditional summing and counting This chapter lists the top ten Excel functions. Actually there are fifteen functions here, but in some […]

Great Tips for Working with Formulas in Excel

In This Chapter Making sure the order of operators is correct Viewing and fixing formulas Referencing cells and using names Setting the calculation mode Using conditional formatting Using wizards to get the work done Writing your own functions Several elements can help you be as productive as possible when writing and correcting formulas. You can […]

The Last Part (Excel)

In this part Just when you think you discovered it all, we show you more! This part includes the top ten tips for working with formulas. Some real gemstones are here that will make your work easier than ever. Did you know that you can even write your own functions? Yes, you can! Part V […]

Summarizing Data with Database Functions in Excel

In This Chapter Understanding the structure of an Excel database Figuring out how criteria work Adding, averaging, and counting database records Finding the highest and lowest values Testing for duplicate records Creating sophisticated queries Believe it or not, an Excel worksheet has the same structure as a database table. A database table has fields and […]

Working with Text Functions in Excel

In This Chapter Splitting text into pieces Assembling, altering, and formatting text Comparing text Searching for text Figuring out the length of text rose is still a rose by any other name. Or maybe not when you use Excel’s sophisticated text-manipulation functions to change it into something else. Case in point: You can use the […]

Working with Information Functions in Excel

In This Chapter Getting information about a cell or range Finding out about Excel or your computer system Testing for numbers, text, and errors In this chapter, we show you how to use Excel’s information functions, <C which you use to obtain information about cells, ranges, and the workbook you’re working in. You can even […]

Using Lookup, Logical, and Reference Functions in Excel

In This Chapter Using IF to take a course of action Returning a value with CHOOSE Applying logic Finding where values are Looking up values in a table Transposing data Decisions, decisions! If one of our students gets an 88 on the test, is that a #*^B+ or is it an A? If our company’s […]