Computer Vision – From Surfaces to 3D Objects

Visual Surface Encoding: A Neuroanalytic Approach (Computer Vision) Part 2

Cortical organization of the Surface Representation A striking aspect of the cortical representation of depth structure is provided by the results of a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) study of the cortical responses in the human brain to disparity structure.An example of the activation to static bars of disparity (presented in a dynamic noise field, […]

3D and Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Object and Surface Formation (Computer Vision) Part 1

Introduction This observation applies not only to conceptual differences in the kinds of questions researchers must ask, but also to different levels of visual processing. Vision researchers have made great progress in understanding early cortical filtering. At the opposite end, research has revealed some areas in which high-level representations reside, such as those for objects […]

3D and Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Object and Surface Formation (Computer Vision) Part 2

One Object or Two? Relatability defines a categorical distinction—which relative positions and orientations allow edges to be connected by contour interpolation. Such a distinction is important, as object perception often involves a discrete determination of whether two visible fragments are part of the same object or not. Figure 10.6 shows examples of relatable and nonrelatable […]

3D and Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Object and Surface Formation (Computer Vision) Part 3

Spatiotemporal Interpolation Despite the fact that perception in the laboratory is often studied with well-controlled, static, 2D images, ordinary perception usually involves diverse, moving, 3D objects. When an object is partially occluded and moves relative to the occluding surface, it is dynamically occluded. In such circumstances, shape information from the dynamically occluded object is discontinuous […]

The Perceptual Representation of 3D Shape (Computer Vision)

Introduction Human observers have a remarkable ability to determine the threedimensional (3D) structures of objects in the environment based on patterns of light that project onto the retina. There are several different aspects of optical stimulation that are known to provide useful information about the 3D layout of the environment, including shading, texture, motion, and […]